Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Aiya Suki Sivam: Are you a Messenger of Lord Perumal? Or...

Aiya Suki Sivam: Are you a Messenger of Lord Perumal? Or...

Dear Aiya Suki Sivam,  
I watched many of your speeches. I am a fan of your speeches. I like most of it, but I noticed some of the views are not supporting Sanatana dharma. I would suggest you look into it deeper and rectify if necessary.
Recently I noticed some speeches are not appropriate. For example the video in the link.

Some times, I wonder myself.
If Aiya Suki Sivam is a Buddhist thought like person?  Your speeches generally against the temple rituals.
If one listen properly,  You spoke about how adharmic is Hinduism and temple bhaktas are. You praised the Christianity and Church as dharmic. Are you have any hidden agenda?

1. Aiya portrayed our Hindu temple and people  as adharmic.
You complained about why  Hindu temples don't build hospital compared to Church.

a. I wonder if you doesn't know who  controls temples in India and who controls Churches. Hindu temples are under direct control by Government compared to Churches.  Who is at fault?

b. People donate specific amount to temple and willed that donations so that the government cannot take it out. If you are suggesting people to donate to the poors, I agree with you.

c. In general, what Aiya said about don't give gold etc to God, you mentioned about golden chariots, these are correct ,I agree this part, especially in kaliyuga, should avoid golden chariots. This competition should be avoided.

d. You claimed God / Perumal told you to say that giving for His cause is absurd. I hope it is a joke, yet  I wonder if Perumal asked Aiya to speak about Mother Teresa too? Are you trying to play God and judge the donors?

e. Aiya cannot mix bhakti and agamic. You follows bhakti path, should not interfere or condemn other paths.

2.You mentioned Mother Teresa, it is good to mention someone’s good deeds but I don't agree with the way you approved the conversion,it is wrong ,this is not correct way to propagate Hinduism  and it is fishy. Mother Teresa saved all? Last minute convert if only asked? Yes, she helped the poors but as converting agent. Can we see one person raised in Christian welfare homes whom is not converted?  Do all of the converts, converted only after the selfless services of missionaries? The first thing will happen is the change of name. If really she helped the poor, why she want send money to Vatican city? Why don't she spent the money in India? We can be raise many questions.  The most important is, What is the need of Aiya Suki Sivam to pinpoint that the way Conversion took place is highlighted? And it sounds that are you justifying and approving the conversions. ( I hope I misunderstood this part)
I wonder if Perumal or Jesus told Aiya Suki Sivam that, Teresa only convert people by request for her selfless services? I don't think her work is 'nibanthanai atre dharmam'.

Dear Aiya Suki Sivam,

I watched the video many times, but I only see your message which not supporting Sanatana dharma. Maybe, I am wrong.

You demeaned Hindu dharma and praising Conversion for their ‘hospitality’. The only part I agree with you is about competitions on golden chariots and build unnecessary things in the name of religion.

We need a Maharishi to protect Hindu dharma not to propagate Christianity. No other religious speakers praise Hindu religion, scriptures or it's sages. But you are more likely propagating another religion in the name of propagating Hinduism.

You praised good deeds of Mother Teresa, it is acceptable but what is the need to justify the conversions as we knew Conversion is sin according Hinduism.?

I am touched by your father's good heart to help the less fortunate son by confiscated the gas cylinder . Indeed it is a noble act.  
But why don't Aiya see the scenario on the controlling religious bodies by the governments in India. All the temples’ income were ‘confiscated’ by the authorities and given to the others. Why don't you put the ‘cylinder’ into proper place? Why don't you ask the government be fair, either control all or don't?

My humble request to all Hindu preachers, propagators, speakers etc.,  the other religions propagators never praise our religion and only condemns, than why you need praise them? And as we don't condemn theirs either. Please STOP PRAISING OTHER RELIGIONS IN FRONT OF OUR YOUNGSTERS.
Without realising, you are responsible for propagating their religion by praising them and it is your negligences contributes to the conversion.

Om Namasivaya.
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia
30 January 2019

1 Transcript Documented from the video.

2. Video of Aiya Suki Sivam  (Fb link)

Friday, 18 January 2019

SSRS: Zakir Naik the Worst Fool?

Zakir Naik the Worst Fool?
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(Versi Bahasa Malaysia di bawah)

Some of Zakir's slaves always claim that Sri Sri Ravi Shankar lost
in a debate with Zakir. But the real truth is, SSRS never debated Zakir
because no point debate with a fool. SSRS realized this on stage during
the event. He went there to share information on Concept of God  in
Hindu perspective. But Zakir turned the sharing event into a debate. 

SSRS never went into debate.

The Guru only explain the concept God according Hinduism. He never
touched any part on Islam. And further Sri Ravi Shankar accepted the
quotes by Zakir that are from Vedas which explains about Brahman (God)
in Nirguna form. Because that is the truth Hinduism given to the world but
NOT the MANIPULATED MEANING of Zakir which hide the Saguna (form)
part of God.

The Guru prefers the UNITY of the people rather than countering/argue.
The guru thinks that Muslims and Hindus are like his two eyes. You can
hurt neither eyes. So, he came up the book called Hinduism and Islam,
The Common Thread to calm down people during the Gujerat issue.
This issue began when over one hundred Hindus died in a train fire on
their return home from performing their pilgrimage prayers. The train
was set ablaze by a group of terrorists who deviated from Islamic teachings.
SSRS have his firm belief of not interfere and transgress into another faith.
He never insulted or say bad about Islam in the book.

If the Guru really wants to argue, there are many points he can put forward. 
1. Even in Quran , the name of Prophet Muhammad only mentioned 4 times
compared to the name of Jesus 25 times. So, how it is possible Prophet
Muhammad's name appeared in other scriptures? 
2. In Islam, it is SIN to predict the future / use the material that predicted.
If the name of Prophet Muhammad is predicted earlier, it is blasphemy
against Quran itself. Prophet Muhammad's name cannot / shouldn't appear
in any earlier scriptures. 
3. The list given by Zakir about Prophet Muhammad's name in Vedas,
all lies.
It is all lies, slanders and blasphemy.  No word directly reffered Prophet
Example 'Narashansa' (praiseworthy) and ‘samsata’ (who praises) is
praising the
God / Dewa as in Hindu scriptures. If it is true as claim by Zakir, then Prophet
Muhammad should be God / avatar / Dewa. This is associating Muhammad
with Allah. It is the graves SIN according Quran! The SINNER Zakir will pay
for that! If you want to follow Zakir Go ahead, but don't forget my point. 
4.Regarding the concept of God are similar in Islam and Hinduism. Vedas was
earlier truth of God, so all the other religion copied from the Vedas
, so there is
no doubt about the similarity in any other religious scriptures.
 5. Which exact verse/s in Vedas  have mentioned about idol worship is prohibited?
None. We knew there are many verses in the Quran mentioned that.
6. In Quran, which verses have mentioned that God will not / cannot take
any image?
Bible,  ‘man is created in the image of God’. Quran says, refer
earlier scriptures in case less info. 

Verify Yourself 
Surah Bani Israel, Q:17:36 You shall not accept any information unless you
verify it for yourself. I have given you hearing, eyesight, brains. You are
responsible.SO BE AWARE in what you listening from Zakir!

So, did Muslims who are trusting Zakir, verified themselves?  If not, then
they are in trouble of sin. 

Word Juggler in Kaliyuga 
In the last canto of the Bhagavata Purana, there is a list of predictions and
prophecies about the dark times for the present age of Kali Yuga, written
5,000 years ago by sage Veda Vyasa, 
Prediction 4: A person's spiritual position will be ascertained merely .....
And one who is very clever at juggling words will be considered a learned
. Source: Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.4 
This prediction suites Zakir very well. Muslims thinks he is a scholar without
realizing his lies. SSRS never went into debate because he understands
Bhagavata purana very well. Liar like Zakir is common in the Kaliyuga.

Zakir Naik the Worst Fool
SS Ravi Shankar defined Zakir as " A fool is better than Zakir" . There is no
point to debate with a person worse than a fool. SSRS never went into debate
because he also understand  the art of debate. And he knew very well about
Islamic scholars view and advice. 

As Imam Syafi’i said : 

My silence towards the idiot is indeed an answer. I am not at a loss for a response but rather, It does not befit the lion to answer the dogs. 

“I'm able debated 10 knowledge person, but I am sure I will lose to a fool
because he doesn't understand the path of knowledge“

Imam Syafi’i advised,
When a fool challenge you for a debate, the best attitude is to remain quiet,
never accept the challenge. If you entertain him, you will be in trouble. And
if you friend him, he will always hurt your feelings.”

SSRS remain quiet during the event with Zakir because he understand the
foolishness of Zakir. So,  clearly we knew the fool. Zakir Naik the worst fool. 

Om Namasivaya                               
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation
18 January 2019

Versi Bahasa Malaysia

Zakir Naik  Bodoh Dungu?


Sesetengah hamba taksub Zakir selalu mendakwa bahawa Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar kalah dalam perdebatan dengan Zakir. Tetapi sebenarnya, SSRS
tidak pernah membahaskan Zakir kerana tidak berguna  adakan perdebatan
dengan orang bodoh. SSRS sedar ini semasa acara tersebut. Beliau pergi
ke sana untuk berkongsi maklumat tentang Konsep Tuhan dalam perspektif
Hindu. Tetapi Zakir mengubah acara perkongsian itu menjadi perdebatan.

SSRS tidak  membuat perdebatan.

Guru SSRS hanya menerangkan konsep Tuhan mengikut agama Hindu. Beliau
tidak menyentuh apa-apa bahagian tentang Islam. Dan lagi, Sri Ravi Shankar
hanya menerima ayat-ayat  oleh Zakir yang berasal dari Veda yang menjelaskan
tentang Brahman (Tuhan) dalam bentuk Nirguna. Kerana itulah kebenaran agama
Hindu yang diberikan kepada dunia tetapi BUKAN BAHAGIAN  MANIPULASI
Zakir yang menyembunyikan bahagian Sarguna (bentuk) Tuhan.

Guru SSRS lebih suka PERPADUAN daripada rakyat dan bukan menentang
bahas. Guru itu berfikir bahawa orang Islam dan Hindu adalah seperti dua mata.
Anda tidak boleh menyakitkan satu untuk keselesaan mata yang satu lagi.
Oleh itu, beliau menerbitkan buku berjudul Hinduisme dan Islam, The Common
Thread untuk menenangkan orang semasa isu Rusuhan di Gujerat. Isu ini
bermula apabila lebih seratus penganut Hindu mati dalam kebakaran keretapi
semasa pulang daripada menunaikan hajat sembahyang. Keretapi itu dibakar
oleh sekumpulan pengganas yang sesat daripada ajaran Islam.  SSRS
mempunyai kepercayaan kuatnya untuk tidak menyibuk dan menceroboh
keimanan orang lain. Dia tidak pernah menghina atau mengatakan buruk
tentang Islam dalam buku itu.
Sekiranya Guru itu benar-benar mahu membahas, terdapat banyak perkara
yang boleh dikemukakan.
1. Bahkan dalam Quran, nama Nabi Muhammad hanya disebutkan 4 kali
dibandingkan dengan nama Nabi Isa sebanyak 25 kali. Jadi, bagaimana
mungkin nama Nabi Muhammad muncul dalam kitab-kitab lain?
2. Dalam Islam, adalah DOSA  untuk meramalkan masa depan /
menggunakan bahan yang diramalkan. Jika nama Nabi Muhammad
diramalkan lebih awal, ia adalah penistaan terhadap Quran itu sendiri. Nama 
Nabi Muhammad tidak boleh / tidak boleh muncul dalam mana-mana kitab
suci terdahulu.
3. Senarai yang diberikan oleh Zakir tentang nama Nabi Muhammad di dalam 
Veda, semuanya kebohongan. Ia adalah semua kebohongan, fitnah dan
penistaan. Tiada perkataan secara terus merujuk Nabi Muhammad.
Contohnya 'Narasansa' (praiseworthy) dan 'samsata' (yang memuji)
memuji Tuhan / Dewa seperti dalam kitab Hindu. Sekiranya benar
sebagai tuntutan oleh Zakir, maka Nabi Muhammad haruslah Tuhan
/ avatar / Dewa. Ini menghubungkan Nabi Muhammad dengan Allah.
Ia adalah DOSA LAKNAT menurut Quran! Zakir yang menista akan
membayar untuk itu di akhirat! Jika anda mahu mengikuti Zakir,
harap jangan lupa perkara ini.
4. Mengenai konsep Tuhan adalah sama dalam Islam dan Hindu.
Veda adalah kebenaran Tuhan yang terdahulu, jadi semua agama
lain mungkin dirujuk daripada  Veda, jadi tidak ada keraguan tentang
kesamaan dalam kitab agama lain.
 5. Mana satu ayat-ayat yang tepat dalam Veda yang telah disebutkan
mengenai penyembahan berhala dilarang? Tiada. Kami tahu terdapat
banyak ayat dalam Al-Quran yang disebutkan itu.
6. Dalam Al-Quran, ayat-ayat mana yang telah disebutkan bahawa
Allah tidak akan / tidak boleh mengambil apa-apa imej? Dalam Bible
ada menyebut, 'manusia diciptakan berdasarkan imej Tuhan'. Al-Quran
berkata, rujuk kitab-kitab terdahulu sekiranya maklumat kurang.

Pastikan diri anda betul.
Surah Bani Israel, Q: 17: 36, Anda tidak akan menerima apa-apa
maklumat melainkan jika anda mengesahkannya untuk diri sendiri.
Saya telah memberikan anda pendengaran, penglihatan, otak. Anda
bertanggung jawab. Jadi, berwaspadalah  dalam apa yang anda
dengar daripada Zakir!

Jadi, adakah orang Islam yang mempercayai Zakir, telah mengesahkan
maklumatnya untuk mengelak diri mereka berdosa? Jika tidak, maka
mereka berada dalam masalah dosa.

Pandai bermain dengan  perkataan di Kaliyuga
Dalam bahagian terakhir Bhagavata Purana terdapat senarai ramalan 
tentang masa-masa gelap zaman sekarang Kali Yuga, yang ditulis
5,000 tahun lalu oleh Veda Vyasa,
Ramalan 4: Kedudukan rohani seseorang akan dipastikan hanya .....
Dan seseorang yang pandai dalam kata-kata (pembohong) akan
dianggap sebagai seorang ulama yang dipelajari.
Sumber: Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.4

Ini ramalan yang amat sesuai untuk  Zakir ditafsirkan. Umat ​​Islam
berpendapat dia seorang ulama tanpa menyedari kebohongannya.
SSRS tidak berdebatan kerana dia memahami Bhagavata purana
dengan sangat baik. Penipu seperti Zakir adalah biasa di zaman Kaliyuga.

Zakir Naik yang bodoh dungu
SS Ravi Shankar mendefinisikan Zakir sebagai "Orang bodoh lebih baik
daripada Zakir". Tidak ada gunanya berdebat dengan seseorang yang lebih
dungu daripada yang bodoh. SSRS tidak berdebatan kerana dia juga
memahami seni perdebatan. Dan dia tahu dengan baik tentang pandangan
dan nasihat ulama Islam.

Sebagaimana  Imam Syafi'i berkata:

Tindakan 'diam' saya terhadap orang bodoh itu memang jawapannya. Saya bukannya  tidak dapat menjawabnya tetapi lebih tepatnya, tidak sesuai untuk singa menjawab anjing-anjing itu.

"Saya boleh membahaskan 10 orang yang pandai, tetapi saya pasti saya akan
kalah kepada orang bodoh kerana dia tidak memahami jalan pengetahuan"

Imam Syafi'i menasihati,

"Apabila orang bodoh mencabar anda untuk perdebatan, sikap terbaik adalah
untuk diam, tidak perlu menerima cabaran itu. Sekiranya anda melayannya,
anda akan menghadapi masalah. Dan jika anda berteman dengannya,
dia akan sentiasa menyakiti perasaan anda. "

SSRS tetap tenang semasa acara dengan Zakir kerana dia memahami
kebodohan Zakir. Jadi, dengan jelas kita tahu siapa orang bodoh. Zakir Naik
yang bodoh dungu.

1.Ravi Shankar on Zakir 

A fool is better than Zakir 

Some information on Wrongs, Lies, Slander and Blasphemy on Hinduism Scriptures and
 Stupidity of  Zakir 

1. A Demand for Public Apology from  Zakir for Insulting Hinduism. 

2. Kepada Orang yg Mempertuhankan Zakir.

3. 4 Soalan Membongkar Kebodohan Zakir 

4. Zakir's Modus Operandi 

5. Dilemma Muslim… 

6. Warkah Terbuka untuk Muslim 

7. Lies of Zakir on Hinduism 

8. The Real Interpretations That Hindus Follow. Svetasvatara Upanishad (Sv.4.20)
August 22, 2017

9.The Real Interpretations That Hindus Follow. Yajur Veda (Y.40.9)
August 22, 2017

10. The Real Interpretations That Hindus Follow. Bhagavad Gita verse 7.20
January 18, 2019

11.Is Zakir Spewing Venom?

12.Adakah Masyarakat Islam disesatkan oleh Zakir?

13.Watch the video from 2.15.00 hours for detailed info about Zakir’s Lies and Manipulations
on Hindu Scriptures.