Muslims should pray Hindu Gods...Zakir?
Zakir’s interference and transgression into Hinduism.
Muslims in general believes Zakir is correct in his method of comparative religion . They believe Zakir never interfered/insulted Hinduism. Infact ,Zakir is insulting his own religion. Let see.
Zakir used to claim, the name of the Prophet have been predicted in Hindu scriptures. One of zakir’s famous argument is the term of ‘narashangsa’ translated into ‘praiseworthy’, which according Zakir is referring to Prophet of Islam. So wherever the word narashangsa appears in Hindu scriptures, Zakir claims it is his prophet was predicted/mentioned. He further advises Hindus do not need to wait for Kalki avatar because his Prophet is the avatar. So that ,Hindus must follow Islam.
If we use the same method of Zakir to claim his, Hindus can claim there are hundreds of Hindu Gods names written in their scripture. For example the words
1. Sustainer (rabb) is Vishnu.
2. Creator (khaliq) is Brahma
3. All pervading is Sarvaeswar, Shiva.
4.and many other words
So can Hindus claim, Quran is referring to Hindu Gods? If so, can we advise to all Muslims, that they must pray Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva?
Allah has 99 names, Shiva has 1000 names. All the 99 names of Allah can be absorbed into 1000 names of Shiva. So can Hindus called the Muslims to pray Hindu Gods?
If Zakir is correct,then this analogy should be accepted. Otherwise, ask Zakir to stick with his own scripture. Don't stray away from his book.
Om Namasivaya.
Sri Sivasiddhi
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia
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