Thursday, 4 May 2017

Muslims should accept all the avatar of Vishnu....Zakir?

Muslims should accept all the avatar of Vishnu....Zakir?

Regarding Zakir’s interference and transgression into Hinduism
Muslims in general believes Zakir is correct in his method of comparative religion . They believe Zakir never interfered/insulted Hinduism. Infact ,Zakir is insulting his own religion. Let see.

Zakir  claims, the  Prophet is the Kalki avatar. He gave many reasons for his claims. (His claims are flawed/wrong). If we assume his claim is true. And Muslims believe that as 100% true,then they must reconsider a few things.
If Muslims accept Zakir’s claims,(Kalki the last avatar is Muhammad the last prophet) then they must accept also all the other avatars of Vishnu too,which is about 24 of them. (Muslims believe that there were 124000 prophets were sent earlier by Allah). Muslims had to believe further that all the other avatars are also were the earlier prophets sent by Allah.
If so,Muslims must think deeper. How is it possible for certain avatar which are not in human form such as Kurma avtar ( turtle), Simha avatar ( lion) to be accepted as the earlier prophets. Are Muslims accepts these as the prophets of Islam.? Worst of all is the Varaha avtar ( pig), is pig can be a prophet of earlier?
This is one of the outcome of Zakir’s stupidity. Is it necessary for Zakir to interfere and transgress into other scriptures?

Zakir’s claims of his prophet was predicted/mentioned is the most stupid idea of a Muslim can think of.

If Zakir is correct,then these avatars should be accepted. And the Muslims must accept them as their prophet. Otherwise, ask Zakir to stick with his own scripture. Don't stray away from his book.

Om Namasivaya. 
Sri  Sivasiddhi

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation  Malaysia

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