Hinduism was constantly were demeaned by various groups from every angle. From its theology, Scriptures, rituals, and daily way of life. Why they are targeting Hinduism alone? Who are they?
We can put them together into crypto Hindus.
Crypto Hindus?
Crypto means they resemble as but not. They are not real but just faking for their own self-interest. Probably funded. Crypto is a newly coined word such as cryptocurrency.
Crypto Hindus are a new anti-Hindu group which is consists of EV Ramasamy Periyavengayum fanboys (the so-called pagitharivuvathis /rational thinker), Karuppar kootham/group, Aseevagam kootham, pretending Hindus (especially in social media, they were not Hindus at all but often claim as Hindu by geographically and Hindu by Culturally, the latest fraction of so-called Tamil Amanar (Samanar/Jain)), and some claim as Atheist (only phobia on Hinduism). etc.
How to Identify the Crypto Hindus.
These groups were attacking and will attack continuously on Hindus’ only religions. They never ever talk about other religions, probably fear of rebellious attacks by them. They are having problems with terminology phobia related Hinduism only. They are phobic on words such as Brahmin, Hindu, Hinduism, Arya, Sanathana Dharma, Hindutva ( Hindu tatva / Hindu dharma), Sanskrit, or anything relating Hinduism. Denying all Hindu scriptures, denying the existence or divinity of Hindu Gods, blaming Hinduism for caste practice among humans. In general, they will never accept anything positive from Hinduism. Often they claim as Hindu social reformers.
NO HINDUS WILL EVER DEMEANED THEIR OWN BELIEF. IF ONE DOES, THEN HE/SHE DEFINATELY NOT A HINDU. A NON-HINDU IS DALIT/ANARYA/ MLECCHA. (Same as kafir in Islam or infidel of Christianity, a common term for nonbelievers as scriptures).
Reason for Attacks.
They constantly attacking Brahmins in order to destroy Hinduism. The brahmins are the most important groups for Hinduism for references and rituals, as Ulamas/Maulanas in Islam and Pope/Pastoral in Christianity. The Kshatriyas and Vaishyas were destroyed by invaders by destroying Hindu Kingdoms since 700AD to 1750 AD. Now only left the Brahmins.
Their Aim.
Their aim is to break the unity and spiritualism of Hindus. By destroying the spirit of Hindus, they can easily impose their agenda of conversion.
This group is an anti-Hinduism agent, full of lies, slanders, and blasphemy against Hindu scriptures and God.
Hinduism is the only religion/ dharma embraces all human whether believers (Astikas) or unbelievers (Nastikas). But if the embracement became a threat to Hinduism, it is better to take necessary precautions in order to prevent damages.
If you are an atheist/nastika, Hinduism respects your rights of beliefs and it DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE RIGHTS TO CONDEMN THE BELIEVERS. Learn to respect others’ rights to believe.
So, Hindus please be aware. Protect Hindu Dharma from this anti-Hindus the Cryptos.
Om Namasivaya.
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation
6 September 2020
1.Part 1
Aaseevagam: Atheistic Folly Cult, Dear Muruga Bhaktas.
Clear the Doubts. Hindu VS Tamilam.
2.Part 2
Aaseevagam: Atheistic Folly Cult.
A Ploy to Deceive and Destroy Hinduism
3.Part 3
Aaseevagam: Atheistic Folly Cult., A Brief Explanation About Aaseevaham Cult.
4.Part 4
Aaseevagam: Atheistic Folly Cult. Main Agenda or Hidden Agenda?
5.Brahmins: Faith Defense Pillar of Hinduism.
6.Atheist the non-believers of God (Nastika)
7.Varna, Caste, and Jati: The Truth That Misappropriated.
(English Version)