Friday, 26 February 2021

Prana Violet Healing is Anti Hinduism.

 Prana Violet Healing is Anti Hinduism.

Updates and Letters to PVH and replies. 

Dear Hindus,

Update on PVH, Prana Violet Healing issue. The group is considered as anti-Hinduism, thus all the Hindus must be alert and stay away from the group. They were in the pretext of doing the pranic healing, they were diverting the Hindu belief system from Hindus. The 2 articles and the 2 letters and his apology proving the above. 

The founder Sivavikkraman Palani openly apologized for his teachings which demeaned Hinduism to Hindus through video confession (dated 29 January 2021) and letter (dated 10 February 2021). And he supposed to remove all his videos on Hinduism. Failing to remove the videos will lead to the next course of action.


 Article 1.

Prana Violet Healing (PVH) :

Prana Healing Service or a new  Cult  or another Karrupar Kootham in Disguise?, Dated 21 January 2021


 Sivavikkraman’s Apology Video

Sivasiddhi link :

Maamandram Link :


 Article 2

Prana Violet Healer Cult of Dark Energy. Dated 6 February 2021…


Reminder Letter of MHDM

Malaysia Hindhudharma Maamandram. Sent a NOTICE of REMINDER. To Sivavikkraman Palani of Prana Violet Healing.(PVH). Dated 10 February 2021.



Reply Letter of Sivavikkraman Palani.

PVH sent a reply letter, dated 10 February 2021.



Precautions must be taken.

1.Hindus must stay away from this group.

2.Do not let this group enter Hindu temples.

3.Do not let them use any premises or facilities in Hindu temples or Organizations.

4. Hindu Bodies must declare an official declaration on PVH as a deviated and against Hinduism.

Thank you


Om Namasivaya.


26 February 2021

Perayaan Ponggal Bersandarkan Bangsa atau Agama Hindu?

Perayaan Ponggal Bersandarkan Bangsa atau Agama Hindu? 

Perayaan Agama Hindu.

Perayaan ponggal atau Makara Sankranti ialah perayaan keagamaan Hindu. Kebenaran ini amat jelas dan telah dipraktikan oleh umat Hindu seluruh dunia. Walaupun perayaan ini lebih fokus kepada alam, namun ialah sebahagian daripada tanggungjawap seorang Hindu terhadap alam, haiwan, tumbuhan dll seperti mana telah dimaktubkan dalam Mahapanchayagna (tanggung jawab terhadap Tuhan, Devata, Pitru/Nenek Moyang, Bhuta/Alam, Manusia), menghormati Alam merupakansalah satu tanggujawab dharma yang wajib untuk setiap orang Hindu. Setiap unsur alam diberi sifat Kedewaan dan di sembah. Tiada agama lain membenarkan penganutnya menyembah unsur alam.

Pelbagai nama untuk perayaan ponggal di seluruh India. Di Malaysia lebih popular di panggil Perayaan Pongal kerana majoriti orang India Malaysia ialah daripada kaum Tamil.

Ringkasan Perayaan Ponggal. 

Perayaan selama 4 hari. Tarikh perayaan  ditentukan berdasarkan Surya Sidhanta, iaitu masa Uttarayan (pergerakan matahari dari kedudukan garisan Jadi ke arah garisan Khatulistiwa ke utara) dan masa upacara dimulakan berdasarkan Jyotida Shastra/Panchanga almanac. Masa ini dikira sebagai masa yang sangat bertuah, contohnya Bhisma memilih untuk meninggalkan jasadnya pada masa ini. Pada zaman lebih awal (abad 4 Masihi), gadis-gadis muda akan berpuasa (pavai nombu)  dalam bulan Margali selama sebulan dan mandi suci di sungai (Thai neeradal) pada Thai 1, hari Bhogi. Upacara ini hilang melalui masa atau masih dipraktikkan secara kecilan.

Hari Pertama, Bhogi Pandigai. Deva Indira dipuja kerana menghargai hujan. Tanpa hujan tiada hasil tanaman. Mandi minyak dan mandi suci. Bakar benda lama, membersihkan rumah. Namun pujaan terhadap Deva Indira berubah selepas insiden Govardan (Krishna mengangkat bukit dengan hujung jari). Namun membakar benda lama masih kekal.

Hari ke 2, Surya Ponggal. Deva Surya (anak Kasyapa) dipuja bersama Deva Ganesha. Hasil tuai pertama di sembah kepada Deva Surya sebagai menghargai cahaya matahari. Surya juga di sembah sebagai Mahadeva Shiva. Deva Surya dikenali Pratyaksha Brahman iaitu sumber kepada semua kehidupan atau Aditha Bhagawan.

Hari ke 3, Mathu Ponggal. Pujaan Gomata. Lembu dihargai kerana sumbangan di sawah dan panchagavya untuk yagna. Pujaan ini lebih menjurus kepada Mahadeva Shiva, menurut sejarah purana, Basava (lembu jantan Shiva) membantu dalam membajak. 

Hari ke 4. Kanum / Kanni Ponggal. Gadis-gadis muda menyembah Devi Katyayani (mewakili tanah subur). Memberi makanan kepada burung gagak, (tanda silaturahim keluarga, hubungan adik beradik, mendapat suami baik) dan sebagainya.

Perbezaan Permainan /Tradisi antara Negeri/Etnik/Ras berbeza di India.

Permainan tradisi yang berbeza diadakan mengikut citarasa penduduk setempat. Jalikattu di Tamil Nadu, permainan layang-layang di Assam, mengikat rakhi bandha di utara, mandi suci sempena magha mela atau Kumbha mela di sungai Ganga, Kaveri  dan sebagainya.

Sumber rujukan.

Sumber shastra mengenai  perayaan ponggal ada banyak, berdasarkan Surya Siddhanta, Jyotida Shastra,  Andal Tiruppavai, Manikavasagar Tiruvembavai, Vayu Purana, Mahabharata dan lain-lain lagi. 

Dari segi logiknya, jelas diterangkan/dapat dilihat bahawa perayaan Pongal merupakan perayaan agama!

Logik oh Logik.!

Klaim yang Logik? 

Ada orang Tamil (bukan Hindu/karuppar kootham) klaim Ponggal  milik orang Tamil telah di rampas/di curi oleh orang Hindu (seluruh dunia terdiri daripada pelbagai bangsa). Dirampas!!! BETUL kah? Mari kita tengok LOGIKNYA. 

Bandingan Ponggal dengan Hari Raya Puasa. 


Nama 'ponggal' itu hak Tamil, betul kerana perkataan Ponggal daripada bahasa Tamil, tetapi perayaan itu diraikan di seluruh India dari utara sampai ke selatan atas nama-nama lain, antaranya Makara Sankranti, Petha Panduga, Magha Mela dll. Betul tak? 

Hari Raya Puasa. (Hanya untuk perbandingan sahaja)

Bandingkan dengan orang Melayu di Malaysia,

Orang Melayu Islam merayakan Hari Raya Puasa, di India Hari Raya Puasa di panggil Eid Mubarak, dan di lain-lain negara di panggil nama lain. Maka, apakah logik klaim sebagai milik bangsa tertentu? Adakah orang Melayu klaim Hari Raya Puasa itu milik orang Melayu? Logikkah untuk klaim sedemikian? 

Orang Tamil (bukan Hindu/karuppar kootham)  Klaim Lagi.

Dia kata orang Hindu  tidak faham perbezaan antara agama dengan bangsa. 

Orang Hindu  tidak tahu atau mereka tidak tahu? Hari Raya Puasa ialah perayaan orang Melayu atau orang Islam.? (Semua orang Islam merayakan di seluruh dunia atas pelbagai nama). Dan, Ponggal ialah perayaan orang Tamil atau orang Hindu? (Semua orang Hindu merayakan di seluruh dunia atas pelbagai nama, sila rujuk peta di atas). Siapa sesat atau gagal logiknya?

Kedua-dua perayaan itu berdasarkan agama, boleh di nilai sendiri. Sedikit unsur bangsa iaitu panggilan nama perayaan sebagai ponggal milik bahasa Tamil seperti mana nama Hari Raya Puasa dalam bahasa Melayu dan sedikit adunan cara diraikan mungkin berdasarkan unsur setempat seperti pakaian, permainan tradisi dan kemudahan yang ada.


Mengapa hanya orang bukan Hindu/karuppar kootham (segolongan kecil Tamil sahaja) hendak menidakkan hak perayaan orang Hindu?

Siapa dalang dalam hal ini? Apakah tujuan sebenar kumpulan ini? Adakah mereka sedang berusaha untuk memecahbelahkan perpaduan orang Hindu untuk memenuhi agenda mereka untuk menukar agama dan menghapuskan agama Hindu?

Hanya Hindu di Tolak!

Golongan  ini sering kata, orang Tamil bukan orang Hindu (mereka klaim orang Tamil beragama Tamil???), tetapi mereka tidak pernah kata orang Tamil bukan orang Islam atau orang Tamil bukan orang Kristian! Siapakah sebenarnya mereka ini?

Golongan ini HANYA menolak Brahmin Hindu keturunan Tamil tetapi TIDAK menolak Paderi Kristian keturunan Tamil dan Ulama Islam keturunan Tamil. Pada hal Brahmin, Paderi dan Ulama menjalankan tugas yang hampir sama berdasarkan agama masing-masing. Tetapi Brahmin Tamil yang daripada agama Hindu yang berasal dari India di tentang, manakala dua agama lain itu daripada luar India disanjung.

Golongan yang klaim ponggal sebagai milik orang Tamil dan bukan berkaitan agama Hindu ialah kumpulan karuppar kootham yang anti Hindu. Kini beberapa kumpulan daripada agama Kristian seperti Pastor Mohan C Lazarus dan daripada agama Islam mula menyertai kumpulan anti Hindu itu. Apakah agenda mereka ini?

Terbaharu..( diedit 9/1/2022) sekumpulan India Muslim memaparkan banner

(dibawah). Adakah pihak Jakim atau Mufti Perak

membenarkan/ menghalalkan perbuatan pihak masjid ini?

Setahu saya, ada pihak yang mengatakan, orang Islam tidak

boleh mengucap Selamat Hari Deepavali. Sekiranya ucapan Deepavali tidak boleh

adakah ucapan pada ponggal boleh? Atau pihak ini juga ada agenda seperti karuppar kootham?

Suatu banner di Ipoh.

Orang Hindu Sedar Tak!

Tamilatile Ponggal, Ennadrilum Makara Sankranti. 

Tennaduya Sivane Potri, ennathirkum Iraivane Potri.

Hindu Agama Universal

Semua orang boleh merayakan ponggal sekiranya mereka mahu. Agama Hindu ialah agama kebenaran abadi untuk semua manusia yang merupakan satu keluarga (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam). Orang Tamil bukan Hindu/karuppar kootham boleh klaim namun tiada orang berhak menolak hakikat agama Hindu.

Om Namasivaya 


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation 

26 Februari 2021 

Ps. Karuppar kootham ialah segolongan anti Hindu dari Tamil Nadu, India. Mereka telah dipengaruhi oleh pemikiran atheist daripada EV Ramasamy.




3.Historical Dictionary of the Tamils

By Vijaya Ramaswamy, Jawaharlal Nehru University


5.Mohan C Lazarus claims Ponggal is a Christian festival, not a Hindu…







Complete detail about Surya bhagawan.





Saturday, 6 February 2021

Prana Violet Healer Cult of Dark Energy.

 Prana Violet Healer Cult of Dark Energy.

PVH cult  is an anti religion group which diverts from main teachings of popular religions, and practices an unusual spiritual and philosophy, it is a dark energy cult. They rejected all other religions on earth, considered all of them as dark energies, except the Cult of Healer PVH as Divine.  Major part of Hinduism is copied and applied by this cult but rejected Hinduism. Got some influence from Theosophical Society and Buddhism but has never been approved of Buddha's teaching or Theosophical Society’s teaching. PVH cult rejected every other religion, teaching, guru worship, temple worship, etc.. 


Sivavikkraman Palani, based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He proclaimed his practising ‘religion’ called ‘Healer’. He declared he is not a Hindu. (So, he should  stay out of Hinduism). Received messages/whispers in his ear by an entity called Devaraja of Borobudur (probably a lost stranded soul/huge dark figure) some  8 years ago. Went to Borobudur, receiving messages from the voice of Borobudur. Went occasionally to Borobudur, every full moon, day time (35 times ???), sat there with eyes closed (claim not meditation) and received some messages from Devaraja of Borobudur whispered in his ears probably. Now spreading the teaching claiming to help people. Soon, he/his followers might declare himself/him as God or Prophet!

Supreme God/Light of PVH

His version of Supreme God/Light is unclear but claims to ‘pray’ for nature, Sun and Moon.  At Causal level, the Supreme Light is considered as the Father of all souls. (This part sounds like the teaching of Vedanta/ Siddhanta, of Brahman and Atman). Probably some influence of Theosophical Society's belief in the Kingdom of God and Divine Wisdom when he learnt pranic healings from Theosophical Society of  Adyar, Tamil Nadu, India. Claims there is Supreme God and Supreme Intelligence is the Guru (probably the Devaraja of Borobudur), should be prayed but nowhere a real praying ritual applied.

Entities of Borobudur. 

An entity called Devaraja of Borobudur (probably a stranded lost soul) and considered as a highly elevated divine soul. And some other unnamed souls also dwell in  Borobudur. (helping in the prana violet  healings). PVH tries to portray these entities as cosmic beings but it has the tendencies of dark energy/ stranded souls. The complex of Borobudur is considered as the centre of PVH spiritualism.

PVH Belief.

He / Siva Vikraman believes every problem humans face because of other souls either angered, cursed or spelled on people's sickness, headache, etc., including snoring. So, asking forgiveness from the souls, viruses, nature  to relief from problems, will solve problems. This contradicts all theist belief systems that want us to ask forgiveness/surrender from God. The followers were programmed to fear the ghost and souls. Entire followers had to mingle among the souls and clear it.

PVH Rituals.

1.Dance and Bedyoga.

The followers were encouraged to dance first (from any movie songs) and do their own kind of exercise called bedyoga. Rejected Hindu Patanjali/ Hatha Yoga.

2.Only the Founder sit with eyes closed.(claim not Meditation)

Founder only can sit up with closed eyes to receive messages. (PVH kind of ‘Meditation’, rejected real meditation), Followers are  not allowed*. Full moon is considered the best time to absorb divine energy. Meditation is prohibited.

3.Read affirmation.(PVH Mantra)

Read affirmation in front of Sun and Earth diagrams. (Not to the  real sun / Surya Bhagawan or Earth/ Bhumadevi) but/and  his sun and planet logo/ diagram. Their calendar is considered divine and a must. It is like a portal to communicate between the founder and followers. On off going for nature walks to absorb nature energy by asking forgiveness. Rejected all other mantras or prayer methods from every religion on earth.

4.Scooping Ritual.

Scooping ritual to detect bad souls and scooping  away the bad energy with a plastic coffee stirrer/magic wand  found at a toilet in Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Indonesia. The magic wand believed to solve everything. But the followers are prohibited to test the founder for bad energy with the magic wand. Don’t forget, we have toy gun bomoh, Coconut bomoh, Yellow Paper burning Sinsehs, Neem Samiyar all of them can solve certain problems.

Main Attraction.

Pranic healing re-branded as Prana Violet Healings.  Offer pranic healing for free and pull the crowd because of some immediate solutions. Further PVH uses some kind of DIVINITY TEST to captivate people’s minds called the Spleen arm test/ Kinesiology techniques. If the arm falls down, it is considered to have failed the test, thus declaring it contains dark energy. He tries to prove that everything from other religions including the scriptures failed the test except his Affirmation card/leaflets and the plastic coffee stirrer passed the test. This is how the mind of followers has been captivated. This is absurd. A Scripture is to read for guidance, not to test for energy!

Occultism in PVH

Probably another modern version of Bomoh / Asami  Sivavikkraman. He probably learned some black magic in Indonesia. This dark energy is coated with pranic Healing of Theosophical Society’s teaching to show it as divine teaching. Once the followers recite the affirmation, they will be tied up with the dark energy at mind level. Their souls had been ‘possessed’ by his teaching. Many of the participants had dreams of a huge dark figure appearing in their houses after cutting off ties with the group. This created fears among the ex-followers and had to run back to temples to be cured by ghostbusting remedies. With the advice of priests, they use salt, pepper, komiyum (cow urine), manjal (turmeric) etc. to eliminate the black figure’s away.

Modus operandi of PVH

a.Stage 1: Healing service only.

Doing prana healing for sickness, pain etc. with the coffee stirrer. Somehow some  (not all) people are relieved from their problem. Gain trust. No charge imposed but can contribute and need to buy certain PVH related materials. In many cases people/followers give donations on a monthly basis through banks/ etc..


b.Stage 2: Read their version of mantra.

Asked the followers to read his version of affirmation to ask forgiveness from the souls (some kind of mantra). He believes every problem faced by humans is because/ caused by unsatisfied souls. Somehow, they claim,  relieved from pain/ problems. Not showing negative / any anti tendency about other religions openly. 

c.Stage 3: Impart PVH Ideology.

Those fully trusted him will be following his  teaching, attending more learning courses and fulfills his requirements without questioning it much. Helping him to introduce more members to gain healing or buy/bear some expenses. The mind is fully tied up with PVH. Ask them to stop praying at home or temples, guru worship etc.

d.Stage 4: Encroaching and Diverting Belief System.

After some time, when new problems reappear ( in some cases) or an unsolved problems, he/ facilitator  teachers will ask them to remove / throw away all the prayer statues/photos from the house by telling them the dark energy/ hungry souls from the Shiva / Hindu Deities/Gods in the house creates the problem and ask to replace it with his Sun logo and recite the affirmation. Claims every problem will be solved. Will ask you to stop going to temples. There are cases he can’t solve or remove the negative energies, such as possessed cases or haunted houses. 

e.Stage 5: Create Groups to go Around to 'Heal'/Destroy  Temples using their 'Divine Fire"
The hardcore brainwashed followers will go for temple 'destruction' steps.The Dark Cult PVH had been to a few temples so far to clear the prana prathista of the temples. They went to Batu Caves Murugan Temple, Kuala Lumpur,  Bukit Rotan Amman Temple, Sepang Aduvayar Temple, Batang Berjuntai Temple and many more in India and Churches.

References  / Scriptures of PVH

There are no reference scriptures for this cult. Their main reference is Sivavikkraman’s words considered as Divine words. Sivavikkraman’s references were probably the voice of Devaraja of Borobudur (the dark energy), which only Sivavikkraman can hear. They also use every craps/means which are against Hindu Religion such as P.K movie, Aamir Khan acted, a Hindi movie ( asked his followers to watch).  He crafted his own corrupted version of teaching by hijacked Hinduism’s core belief system and adapted some  from the Theosophical Society’s teachings and Buddhism.

Why PVH is Catergorised as a Dark Energy?

1. The group went and tried to clear/destroy the Prana prathista / projected energy of  the temples. This is a type of shutting the temple functions,  tying up Deities (Samike katthu poduvathu) . They also claim churches contain dark energies. So far haven’t found any mention about Mosques except the Quran. So, their activity is totally against the Theist belief system.

2. PVH is an anti-religion and rejected all the religious scriptures. All Spiritual Scriptures from Hinduism, Islam, Christian are considered dark energy book because all failed the DIVINITY Test of PVH. Only PVH Affirmation Leaflet passed the test, proving as divine. 

3. Ex-PVH followers had psychic attacks, experience of seeing dark huge figure appear especially of those who rejected PVH. This dark figure appearing in houses creates fear and panic among followers, making them go in silence. Some brave themselves and got help from temples to override the dark figure.

4. The real pranic healings do not require some external entities help, but this PVH uses the stranded souls of Borobudur to cure patients. 

Weaknesses of the cult.

1. Solve Minor / Certain Problems only.

They claim they can heal everything. But the founder is only able to solve some minor problems. Major problems, the real possessed cases he failed at many occasions.

The many  cases where it never heals (if cannot heal), they will blame the individual karma as too much or other family members have too much bad karma or got many souls attached with them too strong or someone sent black magic or because you/they are praying Hindu Gods/Deities other than PVH Divine entity. There were people who had heart attacks but PVH never healed (died).

2.Claimed Cleared Covid 19.

He had claimed elevated Covid 19 viruses by his forgiveness affirmations, magic wand scooping and blessing after Covid reduced during the first wave. But Covid 19 still raised back.

3.No one can question PVH.

Anyone who questions his session will be chased out or asked to shut up. Anyone who against will be ‘blessed’ with his Divine Fire (‘Slapping soul’) sessions to eliminate them astrally. But so far nothing has happened.

4. Families Break Apart.

Many families break apart because husband and wife cannot get along with PVH teaching, to the extent of divorce. There are cases of fall sickness (stroke/ heart attack / death ) occurrence in certain families. The PVH founder had advised the followers/wives to divorce their husbands if  the husbands are not following PVH teachings. Hope there is no fraudulent case involving money or properties, etc., only if  the affected people come out to give open statements then we can justify this.


Hindu Remedies to Release from PVH Cult.

Create awareness among the public to avoid this PVH healings and guide the followers to wake them up and untie themself from the ghost of PVH. They can untie themselves  by throwing or burning all the PVH materials, and returning back to Hindu rituals and bhakti. Pray for protections from the Supreme Brahman in any form of Saguna.  With the advice of priests, one can  use salt, pepper, komiyum, turmeric/manjal etc to eliminate the dark energy. ‘Mandi bunga’, rock salt cleansing, lime ritual, bath and drink turmeric water, offer ghee light for Mother Kali/ Durga etc. You can do it on your own without any third person. Remember, nothing is superior than Parabrahman. Our ancestors had guided us with all the necessary knowledge but we forgot, never learnt or utilised it. 


Hindus are very clear about what we are praying in temples. Whether Kuladeivam or Kaval deivam temple, we only pray to a pure (punidha) atma. Pure atmas is only protecting and never asking anything in return. Even very popular temples have Siddhar Samadhi. All of them were Paramahamsas, the representations of Parabrahman. And the agamic/prana prathista temples were well protected from any elements of dark energy. There are some misguided or deviated ‘priests’ using black magic, the PVH cult is one of them. Hindus should be alert. 

This cult is a threat to Hinduism mainly and all theism in general. Hindus should stay away from this cult. These cult followers must be prohibited from entering Hindu temples. The Prana Violet Healing using dark energy in their healings not like the other pranic healers. PVH must be stopped  from practising their dark healings.

Since, Sivavikkraman  claimed it is his right/prerogative to say bad about my beliefs. So, it is my prerogative to DECLARE that Prana Violet Healer and His teachings are dark energies, the stranded lost souls of Borobudur.

This conclusion of mine is based to further research, findings, interviews with ex-PVH followers and review of PVH Videos after Sivavikkraman apologised on 29 January 2021.



Sivasiddhi @ Nages

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation

6 February 2021


1.Prana Violet Healing (PVH) :

Prana Healing Service or a new  Cult  or another Karrupar Kootham in Disguise?


3.Stirrer with logo in hotel / toilet , Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta

4.Logo Hotel Borobudur

5.All Spiritual Scriptures failed Divinity Test…

6. Clearing Batu Caves Murugan…

7. Testimonial against the Founder…