Saturday, 9 January 2016

Why Hindus cannot convert into other religion?

According Hinduism, Conversion is SIN.
Reason : Why Hindus cannot convert into other religion?

1.     We (Everybody) are the chosen one. Children of God.
It is God's choice and plan. Every single second is determined by the Almighty God. God made the choice when we were born. God chose us to be born in a particular family to the particular parents of the particular faith.  Since God made the choice, we have no rights to change it because it is God’s WILL. Whoever goes against God’s will is a sinner. That is the reason why there is no Hindu scriptures ever mentioned about conversion. Further, it mentioned we are the children of God.

2.      Hinduism believes in rebirth and karma.
Among 84000 lives, 7 lives are believed to be present as human beings. During the different birth, one can be born in to any religion as the God’s choice. God chose us to be born into a particular faith to fulfil the supposed duty given in that birth. If one changes religion, this means he/she is running away from the given obligations. Need to be reborn again to settle that duty.

3.       Reading Bhavisya Purana will clarify that, Kali purusha (satan), after long penance had received a boon from Lord Vishnu to increase its followers.  Vishnu created Adama and Havyavati to fulfill the boon. Though Vishnu had warned them about Kali purusha’s intention. But Kali purusha (God of Mlecha) deceived them. Since then the children of Adama and Havyawati increased. This was continued up to the demonic ghost Mahamada destinated to appear in the desert. Mahamada (Dharmadusikha/polluter/mlecha) will bring the adharmic religion (pissacha dharma) to fulfil the ending of Kaliyuga. Conversion is allowed in to the adharmic religion in order to help the kali purusha to increase its followers fast and to control kali yuga. But Vishnu had His own plans to precede the Kali purusha to an end later by the Kalki Avatar.

4.  Hindu Shastras have mentioned  conversions is sin.
a) Vyasa says in Mahabharata Santi Parva,
'..The rejection of one's own creed, the practice of other people's creed, wrong .’
b) Bhagavad gita there is a verse, which conveys that Devotee should attain salvation in  a path which he is born ( as taught by parents) and not change paths. Those who change path will neither be happy nor get salvation.  ( Not applicable to tender young children)
c) Vedas ,it has been told to teach everyone in Arya Dharma/Sanatan Dharma/dharmic law. It is a way of life. Distracting from the way of life will be disobeying Vedas.

5. Our sages had opposed conversions.
Adi Shankara had fought against conversion.  He debated with Buddhist monks to revert them back to Hinduism. Adi Shankara,  is one of the important enlightened soul saved Hinduism  from  Buddhism ,many of Hindus were converted during the time. In order to save Hinduism , he debated with them, the loser had to follow the winner's teaching orders.  I don't see this as conversion , it is a move to revert back to Hinduism.   If it was a conversion, then it must be some kind of forced conversion. The question of why Adi Shankara went in to such an approach,  The reason is to save Hinduism from extinction. I am sure, Enlighten soul such as Adi Shankara  realized that divine love is beyond religion but he stand up to revert back them.  At current situation, are we going to  let go the conversion without any  interference?,  Did we realized ,if we never take a firm action, it will lead to our Hindu religion into extinction ? Even Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabu,Tirumular and many other sages have against conversion out. 

   Converts must answer God these questions during judgement day. God will ask.
a) Can you change your parents which 'I' CHOSE for you? It is my WILL.
b) Why you changed the PATH  I chose for? Don't you realize that every second is determined by ME.   Every religion/faith is from Me alone as I am the great planner.
c) Don't you realize, You had violated My PLAN?
For your information, judgement day according Hinduism will take place during death. When the soul leaves body, the soul will undergo trial immediately. Not as in other religion.

Many people had converted. Reasons for conversions were basically not of the realisation on the religion. It is because either lust ( fall in love, get caught wet…),desire ( post, title, power..),anger ( angry on some body ..),ignorance ( no knowledge about birth  religion),survival  (hunger, poverty, sickness..) and by forced ( war, to be killed..) etc. 

If you are a convert, please revert back to your religion of birth! 

Om Namasivaya.

Sri  Sivasiddhi
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation  Malaysia
9 January 2016

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