Hinduism justify rapes? Hindu Gods rapist?
Some anti Hindu created fake blogs, one particular blog titled Vedkabhed by Sulaiman Razvi/ Rizvi in 2014. He closed it after I countered somewhere in 2016, but now reopened it. Probably from Pakistan or India using Urdu language. Now another donkey posted articles from it back in blog The Skeptical Muslim by the name Mufti Abdullah Moolla, August 3, 2021. All their verses used are part of scriptures, but taken out of context, misinterpreted in bad faith to demean Hinduism. All are lies, slander and blasphemy as usual as Zakir. Their references are usually from other anti Hindu narratives such as Swami Balendu, an atheist in disguise as Hindu. The Swami Balendu’s narratives used by Firdaus Wong, Ahmad Iqram and the gang to describe Hindu scriptures to demean Hinduism.
Recently, a friend of mine sent an article by The Skeptical Muslim, this article is blasphemous against Hinduism, Hindu Gods and Hindus. They are punishable. They try to portray that Hindus of India as the worst of their lifestyle tolerate rapes or engaged in it, accepts Hindu rapist God without any remorse based to Hindu Gods by refering quotes from Hindu scriptures. These are lies, slander and blasphemy against Hinduism, Gods and Hindus. These blasphemers are punishable and must be punished according to Hindu dharmic law.
From the article.
“India has a long and dark history of sexual violence, most notably, rape. According to one study, a girl is raped every 20 minutes in India. Most incidents go unpunished. Horrific details are covered up and flushed away by Hindu officials. Rape stats reveal an increase in rape cases in India from 2018 to 2019, with seemingly no foreseeable decline.”
Rape happened since the early civilization in every human society. India is not exceptional. Indian rape statistic shows 1.8 per 100,000 people compared to South Africa 132.4, Botswana (92.90), Lesotho (82.70), Swaziland (77.50), Bermuda (67.30), Sweden (63.50), Suriname (45.20), Costa Rica (36.70), Nicaragua (31.60), Grenada (30.60). While America 27.3, Bangladesh (9.82), Brunei (7.6), Oman (6.6),...Nepal (0.8). Pakistan does not even dare to declare their statistics. The above statistics show Hindus nations are far more safe with least rapists.
The donkey writer blames Hindu scriptures and Hindu Gods for rape take place in India. Are they the donkeys going the blame the Abrahamic God or Scriptures for the rapes in other countries?
The donkeys blabbering further by quoting from part and parcel taken out of context, misinterpreted, and with bad faith associated with rape issues. If one carefully read the authetic version of scriptures, the real narrative is far different for different purpose and never justifying or tolerate rape or any sexual relation ship. To prove that, I just take the first quote by the donkeys, about Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita, explained in detail below.
I just took one quote from the article and researched it back. It clearly proves how these donkeys manipulated and try to portray Hindu Gods as the reason of rape incidents in India. Based to first quote, the donkeys claimed Vishnu raped a chastity woman named Vrnda, the wife of Jalandhara. Did really Vishnu Raped Vrnda?
As usual the donkey took only a few verses and interpret as Vishu raped Vrnda.
From the article…
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Yudha Khanda 5, Ch 23.38-45 ”On seeing her husband, Vrnda too was delighted. She forgot her sorrow. She considered everything a dream. Delighted in the heart and with all the dormant passions kindled up, she sported with him for many days in the middle of that forest. Once at the end of the sexual intercourse she realised that it was Visnu. Vrnda rebuked him angrily and spoke thus. Vrnda said:—Fie on this misdeed of Visnu in outraging the modesty of another man’s wife. I have now realised you as the wielder of illusion, appearing in the guise of an ascetic. Sanatkumara said:—O Vyasa, saying thus in great anger she showed her brilliant powers as a staunch chaste lady by cursing Visnu. “O base foe of the Daityas, defiler of other people’s virtue, O wicked one, take this curse from me, greater in force than all persons. The two persons whom you made to appear in front of me shall become Raksasas and abduct your wife. You will be distressed on account of separation from your wife roaming about with Sesa ‘lord of snakes’ who posed as your disciple here. You will seek the help of monkeys in the forest.”
Yes, this is in the scripture. If we read this part only, we had/need to think Vishnu is a rapist. So these donkeys just took only these verses. One must read at least 4 chapters (Chapter 21- 24) to understand the actual reason for that incident taking place.
Actual Interpretation.
The actual whole story is about the war between Mahadeva Shiva and Asura/Demon Jalandhara (Son of Ocean) as called in the Yuddha kanda/ war chapter in Shiva Purana. These anti Hindu donkeys as usual will never reveal the full story but are trying hard to prove Hindu scriptures as bad.
Yuddha Kanda/ War Chapter.
War between Mahadeva Siva and Asura Jalandhara. Jalandhara only can be killed by Siva but this cannot materialize as long as Jalandhara/his wife’s chastity is protected. Jalandhara took many Devas and Devis etc as hostages. His strength is the chastity (no extra marital affair with other men/ one man and wife) of his wife Vrnda. It is a boon for his protection. So, the problem is the asura has a boon for his protection in the form of chastity of his wife.
Simplified Summary by Chapters.
Chapter 21 - Description of the Special War.
The wife is equal in power to the husband in war, she is the good fortune, if she loses her chastity, good fortune lost, then the husband will lose in war. Chastity (no extra marital affair) of a wife is a great strength of the husband. Jalandhara cannot be defeated if his wife remains chastity.
Chapter 22 - Description of Jalandhara’s Battle.
Jalandhara can only be defeated by Shiva. When Jalandhara realized cannot defeat Shiva because he thought Siva is protected by Parvati’s chastity. (Jalandhara forgot that Shiva is Supreme Brahman because of his ego) So, Jalandhara created the maya illusion to confuse against/win Shiva, putting Siva into illusion. And/ by becoming/assumed like Shiva and tried to deceive Parvati, but failed because of his lust/Kama, he dropped semen before going near her. At first Parvati thought it was her husband Siva, but Parvati realized and saved herself. Then, Parvati asks Vishnu to teach a lesson of Dharma to Jalandhara through his wife using the same method. Siva woke up from the maya.
Chapter 23 - Outraging the Modesty of Vrnda.
Vishnu created maya/illusion on Vrnda made her dream about her husband to show a bad sign. Vrnda worried and wandered until reached Sage/Vishnu in disguise and asked about her husband in the fight with Siva. At once, 2 monkeys/ servants of Vishnu brought the head, limbs and body of slain Jalandhara, Vrnda very sad on seeing that. Asked the sage to resuscitate Jalandhara. Thus, Vishnu/ the sage played the lila on her and assumed Jalandra form, she thought of her husband and embraced, she realized it is Vishnu who played His lila after they had intercourse. The intercourse breaks her chastity which makes Jalandhara lose his strength of fortune, this breaks the boon of Jalandhara. (Vishnu completed the task given by Parvati in order to defeat Jalandhara, using Jalandhara’s own method earlier trying to defeat Siva by destroying Parvati’s chastity, the solution of problem). She cursed Vishnu and went into fire and reached Sivaloka and merged with Parvati. Ash from her burnt body on Vishnu’s face.
Curse that brought Ramayana- Rama/Vishnu, Laksmana/ Sesa snake, Marica and Ravana abducted Sita, monkeys Hanuman, Sugriva etc. The curse is part of karma one has to pay.
In another version the curse made Vishnu turn into black stone/ Shaligrama and Vrnda turned Tulsi and promised to marry her in the next life. In next birth, Vishnu married Tulsi famously called Tulsi Vivah festival.
Chapter 24 - Jalandhara is Slain.
Siva woke up from maya lila and started to fight Jalandhara. Again Jalandhara used lila by creating the illusion of Parvati being harassed by daityas/demons. This made Siva lose strength but Siva regain consciousness later after 3 attempts of Jalandhara, Jalandra slained easily, then cut Jalandhara in to half, body sent to hell (Maharaurava), his splendor absorbed by Rudra.
The moral here is Hinduism emphasis on the highest virtue is the chastity of a wife is the strength of a husband. These suggest a one man and wife lifestyle. No where it approving or justifying rape. Vishnu was punished immediately to turn into Shaligrama stone. The whole story is about problem and solution findings, Jalandhara defeated because his own mistake revealed the secret of his strength by trying to destroy the chastity of Parvati, but in turn, it became his path of destruction (the solution). The 3 worlds back to peace.
There are many other quotes given by these donkeys, they slandered Indra, Siva and many other Devas. And all of the quotes were misinterpreted, misquoted, taken out of context as usual and their interpretations were taken from anti narratives. If time permits, I will explain about the other quotes in future articles.
And Finally the donkeys try to conclude that majority of Hindus accepted rape as part of Gods behaviour and shocked themselves (writers) by refering some random study which never say/ refer about Hindus, and a book probably by anti Hindus.
From the article…
“What has created this kind of situation? How could an entire religion tolerate such crimes and disregard for human beings? Hindus believe in millions of gods, and a significant number of them are depicted in Hindu myths of having engaged in rape. How do Hindus firstly, believe in and accept a rapist god? Secondly, how do they justify the horrific crimes of the rapist gods? Thirdly, how do they feel no sense of remorse or shame about the accounts of the rapist gods?” “Shockingly, a large percentage of Hindu men and women believe that rape is justified, and they cite the actions of Hindu Gods to justify such behavior.”
The above questions are showing the mere stupidity of the writers. They misinterpreted, with the intention of taqiyah and changed the actual meaning and blamed Hindus. Hinduism never justify or approve rape or neither become life style. Hindu scriptures clearly rejected rape as lifestyle and punish severely. Manusmriti (Chapter 8) and Parasmiriti (Chapter 10) clearly said a rapist (depends on degree of crime) needs to be punished maximum by cutting off his male organ, marked with hot iron sealed on forehead, confiscating his properties to hand over to the victim, fines, etc.
The writer probably forgot how the Isis minded terrorist in Iraq and Syria from Muslim background used women as sex slavery and sold in open market as commodity. And even used as sexual service slave for the terrorist. I don’t know where these terrorists learned from. This sex slavery reminds me on how Japanese army used women during World war 2.
The donkey writer should go to Pakistan and try to justify it from which scripture supports this majority Muslim country. According to a study by Human Rights Watch group, there is a rape once every two hours and a gang rape every eight. Asma Jahangir, a lawyer and co-founder of the women's rights group Woman’s Action Forum, reported in a 1988 study of female detainees in Punjab (Pakistan) that around 72 percent of them stated they had been sexually abused while in custody. According to WAR, over 82% of rapists are family members including fathers, brothers, grandfathers and uncles of the victims. And don’t forget the victims need 4 witnesses to prove, thus many go unreported.
World rape statistic 2020 gives, in India 1.8 person out 100,000 compared to South Africa 132.4 rapes. The how is it possible Indian/Hindus justice rapes? If so, how to explain the rapes in South Africa and other Muslim countries which are higher than India? There are some other donkeys who claim India is a dangerous place for women. These are part of propaganda by the anti Hindus against Hindus and Hinduism to fulfill the religious conversion predator minds.
I belief every scriptures have the stories of religious characters involved in these sexual scene’s, definately they have their own explanation. For example Prophet Lot and his daughters as in the Bible. Does this justify the rape? Definitely not. These donkey writers see this as what? Rape and incest? I would suggest these donkey writers and like minded, please stay within your scriptures and teachings. Do not transgress or interfere into other religious belief system and its scriptures.
These Blasphemers should be Punished Accordingly. (Maybe Hindus should emulate the Muslim brothers in punishing blasphemers. Otherwise these slanders and blasphemy will keep on.)
Om Namasivaya
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation
17 April 2022
1. .https://www.wisdomlib.org/hinduism/book/shiva-purana-english/d/doc226141.html
Shiva Purana, Book 2 Rudra-saṃhitā, Yuddha-khaṇḍa (5)
2.https://muslimskeptic.com/2021/08/03/when-the-gods-wont-take-no-for-an-answer-rapist-gods-in-hinduism/ By Mufti Abdullah Moolla -August 3, 2021
3. Vrnda increase good fortune to Jalandhara Chapter 14, verse 29
4.SP, RS 2.5..22.
50. He/Jalandhara himself has shown the path. Know that to be the way in the same manner. At my bidding, make the chastity of his wife violated.
51. O Viṣṇu, that great Daitya cannot be killed otherwise. In the earth there is no other virtue equal to chastity.
5.Copy of …
7. Manusmriti
8 Parasara Smriti