Monday, 30 August 2021

Jesus is copied Version of Krishna?

 Jesus is copied Version of  Krishna?

I am not sure about this, but might be possible someone copied the other. But remember Hindu Scriptures were very much earlier than Christianity.

According to Hinduism, God will take a necessary avatar /reincarnation from time to time whenever the adharmic/evil has overtaken dharmic/good. During the birth of Jesus, the Jews are under adharmic conditions probably!

Bhavisya Purana has mentioned ISA PUTRA/son of God. Hindu Scholars said this is not about Jesus. No evidence on Jesus referred to Krishna but many of the narratives are the same in the teachings and also many are not. Abrahamics are very far from Hinduism which emphasis on spirituality compared to religion for them.

The similarity between Bible and Hindu Scriptures.
1. Alpha and omega (Bible), Athi and Andham  (Hindu scriptures)
2. Word came first..... Vak came first (Om sound)
3. The method Jesus birth to, mother virgin after giving birth. (Bible)  Karna and Pandavas of Mahabharatha were born, the mother remains a virgin.
4. Seven churches...., Seven chakras
5. Tree of knowledge .. Nyana Vriksha and Tree of life...Moksha. ( here is a bit of contradiction between Hinduism (encourages)  and Christians (forbidden), BUT if absorb in the Bhavisya doctrine it can be justified!!!)
6. Moses met God on a mountain in the form of a Pillar of light (Bible). Parvati met Lord Shiva on-mountain in the form of light/Jothi (Shiva Purana).
7. Herod wanted to kill infant Jesus in Bethelem (Bible), Kamsa wanted to kill infant Krishna in Brindavan.
8. God is Love (John:4:8), Anbe Shivam(Hinduism)
9. Kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21)(John 14:10), That I am/ tatvam asi (Hinduism)
10.  God is light (Ezekiel 10:14), Brahman is the supreme light /Paramjothi (Hinduism)
11. Baptize, bath in river (Luke 3:16), bath in the Ganges will shed of sins (Hinduism)
12. Spirit descend on Jesus (John 1:32) When a person in deep trance/ecstasy/enlighten the spirit of God descend into the person ( Hinduism)
13. Sacrifice and a burnt offering made God happy and promised descendants and prosperity (Genesis 22:1-19), Yagna/burnt offering and sacrifices made devas happy (Vedas)
14. Noah’s Ark in Bible and Nyuha’s boat in Bhavisya Purana/ Matsya/ Fish Avatara in Matsya Purana.

15. etc

I never liked or have the intention to interfere with Christians believe because I don't like to question another's beliefs. Since you/some behave like the Zakir/comment negatively on / manipulate scriptures of Hinduism, I have to. A true believer will not condemn others because it is God's prerogative to judge one’s faith!. God bless you.

P/S All the doctrine/words of Jesus/Bible above are part of the core essence of Hinduism.! Definitely the former never copied from the latter.

Please do not transgress or interfere in Hinduism.

Om Namasivaya


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation

30 August 2021

Sunday, 22 August 2021

Misleading Article by Aiya Muthu Krishnan?

 Misleading Article by Aiya Muthu Krishnan?

Dear Aiya Muthu Krishnan, 

I read your article, 'Travancore Tamil Women in Untouchable Cruelty' in fb. Published in Tamil Malar (21.08.2021) in Tamil. Your article is misleading.

I do agree that oppression took place in the name of 'jati' or caste but the blame is on Hinduism,  Varna and Aryan is in appropriate. The oppression happened everywhere and Travancore history the worst  but I think  in my opinion your article is biased. But Aiya wrote this article with emotion and not fully fact based. Opinions may differ. Maybe you can verify further. 

1. Blaming Aryan a False Notion.

'ஆரியர்கள் இந்தியாவிற்குள் காலடி வைத்த காலக் கட்டத்தில் இருந்து'

a.You blamed the Aryan on jati issue but the Aryan race never existed. It is a myth created by Western Indologist called Max Muller, he retracted later. So, the entire premise of the claims have no ground and collapse by itself. 

b. Arya is not a race, it is the definition of a Sanatanan or Hindu. Arya means noble, civilized, enlightened about the Supreme Brahman (Param porul) and led by the Brahman. Means 'arinthavan' in Tamil. Even the word ‘Aiya’ in Tamil is derived from Arya with the same meaning. 

c.People of Bharata are the Aryans.

i.Recently, DNA evidence suggested, entire Indians from north to south are the same. And 

  people migrated out of India probably after the Toba Volcanic eruption 75,000 yrs ago. 

ii.Vedas never mentioned the migration of Aryan from anywhere outside India.

iii.Sangam literature (Ilakkiyum) mentioned Aryan were from the land below Himalaya… 

iv. B.R. Ambedkar rejected AIT.

v. Etc 

2. Varna, Jati and Caste.

I would say, you confused the terminology of varna, jati and caste. 

Hindu Scriptures clearly mention that the same/only Brahman is in everyone, thus everyone is equal at atmic level but not physical level. Mentioned in Manusmriti, Bhagavad Gita and Tirukural as well. How is it possible one is lower than others if the same Brahman is in every child of God? Don’t you realise, when you say Vanakam, Namaskaram, or Namasthe, you are actually acknowledging the Brahman in the other person?

a.Varna is endorsed in Hindu scriptures based on gunas ( attitudes and characters) and karmas (actions and deeds) not by birth. It is also determined based on education, job, attitude and pietyness. Varna fully depends on the early education system, where everyone must go through Brahmachari stages in life.

b.While, Jati is a derivation from misinterpreted varna, jati is based on birth and inheritance. Hindu scriptures mentioned that there is only one jati. But in reality, people turned into jati later when the education system was destroyed by the invaders from Arab, Mongol, Portugis, and British. Children started to learn from parents, thus jobs inherited among family. Furthermore, people are recognised based on their job background and become jati.

c.While the word caste was introduced by the Portuguese, they applied caste (Casta) in Spain and Portugal in the 1500s approved by the Church. Caste is based on birth, inherited either to maintain status quo/privilege  and ego of certain groups  by oppressing another group to deprive their rights and discriminate against them. There is no single word equivalent to caste in any of Hindu Scriptures. Missionaries use caste to convert Hindus.

3. Aren’t all were Tamils?

'தமிழர்கள் மீது எண்ணற்ற அடக்கு முறைகள்.'

You blame the so-called high Jati (Uyar Jati) people who oppressed the Tamils. It sounds as though non Tamils oppressed Tamils. The question is, are these so called Uyar Jatis not Tamils? As far as I know, the evidence of humans suggesting, all of them are Tamils. The Brahmins are also Tamils, except in certain parts, in Kerala they were Malayalees both so called high or low jatis.

3. Cannot wear upper Garment and Mulakkaram Tax.

a.You claim, 18 jatis cannot wear upper garment, you mentioned Manusmriti. "மனுதர்மம் அப்படிச் சொல்வதாக ஒரு சாணக்கியச் சட்டத்தை எடுத்துப் போட்டு" Which verse? 

Not wearing an upper garment is part of rituals in temples even today for males when taking part in rituals. In Kerala, they are stricter.  Misuse happened and some people manipulated it to their own gain.

b.You mentioned breast tax (upper garment tax) on women but why never mentioned Xendi tax (Brahmin kudumi / tuft hair tax) on Brahmins? If the breast tax was imposed by the high Jatis, then what logic would they (high jati/ Brahmins) impose Xendi tax on themselves? 

c.The 'breast Tax' is imposed on Nadar palmyra todi women climbers. It is actually tax for todi not for dress. Not all Nadar people work as todi climbers, there are rich landowners as well.

d. 'தமிழ்க் குடும்பங்கள் கிருத்துவ மதத்திற்கு மதம் மாறின.' The tax imposed by government and missionaries used this opportunity to convert people. Those converted have no need to pay tax but settle by 'Uleeum' work as missionary servicewomen. So, who's agenda is this?

e.The taxes were paid to the administrators (Portuguese /Europeans / administrator) not to the upper jati. In fact, there is no tax was imposed on Brahmin to Shudras. Some tax imposed on certain groups like the todi climbers.

f. Slavery practice in Kerala is the real oppression. During Travancore Princely State, the lowest group not within varna were treated as slaves for various reasons. Some became a slave because owe money, sold or outcasted and etc. These groups were taxed. Some so-called historians hide this part and blame Hinduism, Brahmin, and Aryan. Yes, oppression took place, Swami Vivekanda described it as lunatic. ( edited 24/08/21)

5. Maintain Distance.

' ஓர் ஆரியனிடம் இருந்து 36 அடி தொலைவில் நிற்க வேண்டும், ...'

a. You mentioned about maintaining the distance one needs to stand certain feet away based on one's Jati. What is the source? Hindus generally have certain rules to follow when there are issues of birth, death, menstruation and some ill deeds. It cannot  be generalized. Did you realise, now everyone must stay at least I meter away? Do you think this is oppression?

b. Certain people were prevented from dipping in the pond. This is practiced, nothing to deny. Certain people who were involved in certain jobs such as dealing with dead people permanently, etc. were prevented from entering ponds ( the only source of water those days) to avoid the spreading diseases or viruses which might be with them. For example, we don’t go to temple in the event of death, birth to 30 days, the only reason is to prevent any negative elements in case. But of course it was used by certain dominant groups to manipulate others later.

6. Oppression of Travancore.

Oppression took place in Travancore, no one can deny. But, did high Jatis /Aryan exist only in Travancore? Why does this kind of oppression never take place in other places in India? 

Do you know who collected the tax? Who is the administrator/king of the Travancore Presidency?

These kinds of taxes were imposed by the British throughout their colonies. Did you know there was a tax imposed (cukai kelamin) on married couples to sleep together in East Malaya during British rule. Which high Jatis came and imposed it? Isn't this oppression? 

So, the article is definitely misleading. Of course I don’t agree with any kind of oppression or discrimination to anyone based to their birth or way of life. But certain groups maintain their rules to protect each other for certain reasons which might not be applicable forever.  

Covid 19 made the entire population of the world become untouchable to each other. Today, all the governments imposed the rule, no touching, stay away a distance of minimum 1 meter, etc or will be fined, jailed. Is this oppression or precaution?

So, please don't blame Hinduism or Aryan in a blanket for the human actions which are not endorsed in any of Hindu Tenets.

Om Namasivaya.


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation

22 August 2021



2.Aiya Muthu Krishnan’s Article in Fb

3.Untouchability in Hinduism.

4.Varna, Caste and Jati : The Truth That Misappropriated. (No Caste in Hinduism.)

5.Xenddi tax

6. Breast tax


8.Satus of women in Travancore

9.Robert L Hardgrave, The Nadars of Tamilnad.

10. Breast cutting story is hoax

11..Do you know During Goa Inquisition these devices were used to rip women's breast

12.Aryan vs Anarya (Parya)

14. B.R. Ambedkar Rejected AIT

Renjini P and Dr. C Natarajan, International Journal of Home Science, History of Slavery Abolition...

Saturday, 14 August 2021

Untouchability in Hinduism.

 Untouchability in Hinduism. 

Untouchability (tindamai in Tamil) is to prevent the spread of negative / viruses from spreading, not to demean another human. 

The photo created by the so-called Karrupar Kootham (atheist anti-Hindu group) is wrong and misleading. The reality of lies. 

In the photo, they try to portray that untouchables are making statues for Hindu temples and later they were not allowed to enter the temples. 

This photo was definitely made by the Karrupar Kootham of EV Ramasamy stooges or fanboys to demean Hinduism. 

The reality of lies by the conversion agents, the Karrupar Kootham.

(A house contractor wants to sleep in the master bedroom of the house he build for a sum! Is he has the right?) 

Vigraha /Murthy Untouchable. 

Not only the sculptor, no one can touch a Murthy after the prana pratishta ceremony (temple consecration ceremony).   

Sculptor/ asaari of statues cannot be untouchable as per Agamas and Stabatya Scriptures, they have their own rules to follow before sculpturing works are done. 

It is only rock and becomes a sculpture/statue before prana pratishta. Anyone can touch. It becomes Murthy (God) after prana pratishta. 

Everyone can enter temples except those are under certain forbidden rules. And, no one can enter Garba griha (temple inner chamber) or touch the Murthy after prana pratishta except the appointed Acharya (priest) of the temple management. 

Untouchability in practice. 

Untouchability is not permanent, can be repented after prayaschita and shudikarma, or dissolves itself in a certain number of days. 

Hindus practice untouchability during the occurrence of forbidden deeds (such as eaten beef), menstruation (3 days), death (max 30 days), and birth (max 30 days) for the reason of prevention of negative /virus elements from spreading. (avoid taking food, avoid temples, avoid crowded gatherings, etc.) 

Those involved in funeral business and death needed to quarantine or prevent themselves from going into crowded places such as temples especially. And those involved in funeral rituals on a daily basis, definitely cannot go to temples. They are not untouchables by birth, but because of the nature of their job. 

Not to demean another human.                                                       

According to scripture, the same Brahman is in everyone, thus no one is higher or lower. The difference of humans is based on guna/attitude and karmas/actions mentioned in Bhagavad Gita, Tirukural, and Manusmriti. No single word mentioned to demean another person.

How to Escape from Untouchability/Tindamai.

Just follow all the rules of Sanatana dharma quoted for death, birth and way of life. Because nowhere it said that tindamai is permanent or by birth. Just join any of proper ashramam, they will perform shudikarma and guide for next level. Conversion to another religion is mere stupidity because it is like fall in the blind weld/ adharmic action create more bad karma.


The practice of untouchability is to prevent the spread of harmful viruses and not to demean another human. Why not see it as religious obligations? Anti Hindu groups and conversion agents manipulate these terms to divert and convert the Hindus.

Can't you see, Covid 19 made entire world populations become untouchables to each other? The preventive measures taken are to prevent the spread of viruses or untouchability in practice?

Om Namasivaya. 


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation. 

14 August 2021

The photo was taken from...

Thursday, 12 August 2021

E.V. Ramasamy Naicker: Social Reformer or Anti-Hindu Anaryar?

 E.V. Ramasamy Naicker: Social Reformer or Anti-Hindu Anaryar?

(Thanthai Periyar or Manthai Anaryar?)

E.V. Ramasamy Naicker (EVR) and his followers claim that they are using Pagutharivu (Rational / Logic Thinking / Knowledge), but most of their views on Hinduism are illogical, misinterpreted and in bad faith. He is anti Hindu, demeaning Hinduism but endorsed other religions.  He was an Indian social activist and politician who started the Self-Respect Movement and Dravidar Kazhagam. He is known as the 'Father of the Dravidian movement'. He rebelled against Brahminical ‘dominance’ and gender and caste inequality in Tamil Nadu, India. 

There is no truth in activities but his personal vengeance on Hinduism and Brahmins made him manipulate Tamils in the name of social justice by using caste and untouchability as his major weapon. Today Covid 19 made entire people become untouchables. If EVR is alive, he wants to blame who?

Early Life

E.V. Ramasamy was born in Erode (17 September 1879 – 24 December 1973), Madras Presidency to Venkatapa Nayakar and Chinna Thayee Muthammal and belongs to the Balijas social group from Kannada. A Kannada  by birth but accepted as Father among Tamils! Foundly called Periyar among someTamils. Who named him this title? He insulted Tamils more than anyone. I prefer to rename his title as periyavengayum.

Schooled up to standard 5, left school because of some discipline probably. Married  his first wife Nagammai  when 19 years old. His wife Nagamal used to go to the temple but EVR used some goons’ help to scare her (mentioned by Swami Chidambaram,Tamilar Thalaivar).  His 5 month old daughter died.  Reprimanded by father (a staunch Hindu) for his behaviour, went on pilgrimage to Kasi. Incident in Kasi when a non-Brahmin south Indianman chased him away from the eating place made him angry towards Hinduism, especially Brahmins.

Second wife Maniammai was born as Gandhimathi to Kanagasabai Mudaliar who was a party member of the Justice Party. Soon after her father's death, she joined the Dravidar Kazhagam (Justice Party renamed ), founded by  E. V. Ramasamy in 1942–43. She became EVR's personal assistant, taking care of him, and eventually married him in 1949. EVR's marriage with a much younger Maniammai (31 years old, EV Ramasamy 72 years old, considered as his adopted daughter) and his appointment of her as his successor shocked many of his party leaders. Another reason given is to look after the wealth of the party. EVR's disciple C. N. Annadurai stated that EVR had set a bad example by marrying a much younger woman. He formed a new party called Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam.

Manipulate Dravidian Ideology.

Without the term Dravida, EVR cannot talk about anything with Tamils. He is a Kannada not Tamil. Robert Caldwell through his book  ‘A Grammar of Tamil’. Coined the word Dravida,   it divided Tamil and  Sanskrit.  Max Mueller coined the word Arya. EV Ramasamy manipulated those words on Tamil people for his political gain. He uses the Dravida myth to cover his back from Tamils, otherwise he will be kicked out of TN.

Selective Anti God Atheism.

The believer of God considered as stupid, erected his statue in front of Hindu temples but not Church or Mosques. Never said anything about other religions because he knew the consequences and  punishment by them. Hindus are very tolerant and  ignore everything.

Manipulated Hindu concepts to brainwash Tamils.

Used untouchability as a major tool in his propaganda of brainwashing of Tamils. 

1.Anti Brahmins.

Brought the concept of Brahmin and Non Brahmin by EVR 1919, written in Desa Bhaktan.  Hindus generally knew the myth of Arya Dravida. Thiru Vi Ka mentioned  Arya Dravida as a myth, started in the name of God, against the Justice party. EVR is always against Brahmin. 1000s essays, 80% against Brahmin. Probably after the Kasi incident. Came up with the slogan “Break Gandhi  kick Brahmin”, “Parpan and snake”, etc.. Every blame goes to Brahmins. 

2.Caste and Untouchables.

No caste is mentioned in any Hindu scriptures. Caste originated in Spain/Portugal and was approved by the pope. Varna was manipulated into caste and used by this anti Hindu group. 

Untouchability is part and parcel of human life, Covid 19 made the entire world's population become untouchables to each other. Even today, Hinduism practices untouchability during death and birth. 

When GANDHI brought the idea on Alayam Prevasiam,  Shudras can enter temple up to Kodimaram so do the dalits, but EVR rejected because  dalit and shudra are not same. On temple entrance issue. Harijans cannot enter Garbha Griha.  EVR claims that  Pariah women wearing jackets and Pariah men becoming literate are reasons for the rise in cloth prices and unemployment (Nasthikam, 2 March 1963).

3.Demeaned Hindu Scriptures and God.

a.Wrote Kamba Rasam to demean Kambar Ramayanam. Kambar is a Tamil but declared Kambar as Tamil enemy (Tamil aethiri), Brahmin’s supporter as traitor (Parpana atharvana drogi).

b.Insulting Tolkappiyar in his book Tamilum Tamilarum as a traitor (drogi), Arya’s coolie, inserted arya dharma in Tamil Nadu.etc.

c.Wrote bad on Periya Puranam. 

d.Insulted Tiruvalluvar and Thirukkural as shit on a golden plate (Tange thatil vaika patha malam) 

e.Periyar also criticised Subramanya Bharathi in the journal Ticutar for portraying Mother Tamil as a sister of Sanskrit in his poems.   Subramanya Bharathi says Tamilnadu is the land of Arya. Bharati supported the Varna system, he said, “without varna, human civilization will face destruction.”

f.Wrote bad on Silapathikaram

Hinduism as a foolish and evil way. 30 March 1951, EVR called Silappadikaram, the great Tamil epic written by llango Adigal, as “nothing but a propaganda tool of Aryans”. 

g.Wrote bad things about Kandha Shasti as vulgar in his articles in ‘Indhu Mathap Pandigai’. Recently some of his followers, the so-called Karrupar Kootham produced a video to demean Kandha Shasti.

h. Wrote bad on Ramayana. Try to portray Ravana as Tamil(Dravida) hero  while Rama as Northern (Arya) villain. Ravana was born in Uttar Pradesh, Noida today and his wife from Delhi today, so how come he can be a Tamilan?

Targeted Only Hindu Gods.

a.Break Vinayagar Idols in Salem, 1953 In order to condemn idolatry and to show to the world that there was no divine power in idols, he organised a campaign. His followers and himself broke the idol of PILLAIYAR (Vinayaga) at public places. EVR is so stupid to think that Hindus praying idol.

b.In 1956, EVR organised a procession to the Marina Beach to burn pictures of the Hindu God Rama

c.1968, The Ramayana, Epic of Aryans, was burnt all over Tamil Nadu as a mark of protest against cruel treatment of Dravidians by the Aryans in the Ramayana.

d.1969  EVR announced a Programme of agitation to enter the Sanctum Sanctorum of temples to eradicate the caste discrimination practised, according to which only Brahmins could become Archakas (Priests) and perform worship (poojas) in Sanskrit language only instead of Tamil.

e.1971, His followers. Put a garland of slippers on the statue of Ram and naked Sita in 1971 Salem. During the court case, the judge said, “If Hindus are never against that, it means they agree…” 

Anti Sanskrit, Hindi and Tamil

He is against Sanskrit and  Hindi and Tamil in different way. He propagates English.

He claims Dalit /Shudra no relationship with Sanskrit. 

But EVR forgot that Valmiki  Vyasa was born to a fisherwoman. He wrote Vedas in Sanskrit. 

Valluvar of non Brahmin wrote Panchangam, how they wrote without knowing Sanskrit? 

Ambedkar a dalit said, only Sanskrit can be National language of India. 

Against Tamil language and Culture

Made controversial remarks on the Tamil language and people from time to time. On one occasion, he referred to the Tamil people as "barbarians" and the Tamil language as the "language of barbarians". Talk bad on Tamil language as kathumirandi moli ( language of barbarian), Tamil padikathe, kathumirandi aividuvai ( don’t read Tamil,you will become barbarian). Better learn English.

Against Caste but become more communal.

Use jathy and caste as his political tool to gain support of the public. Claim to be rejected his caste title but remain signing his name with his jati title as Naiker. The Jathi issue was never solved but increased into more radical groups. Seeman, karrupar Kootham etc.

Ideology of Communism, Marxism and Dravidastan.

No real direct involvement in Communism but accepts the ideology of Marxism. Traveled to Russia to spread the ideas of socialism. Generally he is a communist. He is against religious belief. His followers started Marxist Periyarist Communist Party. 

He praised Adolf Hitler on the Nazi style persecutions  on Jews and warned Brahmins, “Parpanan (a traditional honorific Tamizh term for twice-born, changed into a derogatory term by Dravidianists) should be driven away from this land,” EVR wrote on 29 January 1954. He further said, “However much a rationalist or atheist, if a person is a Brahmin he should not be allowed in our organizations” (20 October 1967).

Was in the Congress Party with Gandhi in the beginning. Later, TM .Nair and PT Thiayagarajan  started the Justice Party (Nithi Katchi) 1916. Supported by British. EVR  joined the Justice party, later started the Self Respect Movement (Suya Mariyathai Sangam), supported by British and Justice Party, against the idea of  India, Religion and Dalits.

Started Dravida Kalagam. EVR  worked for British,  who didn't want independence in 1947. Wanted for separate state of Dravidastan etc.


Against Devadasi in Temples, but never against nuns in missionary and women helpers in madrasah. Against Tamil Brahmins but not Tamil Ulamas or Tamil Padris. Against Sanskrit in temples but never against Arabic/urdu in Mosques or English/ Hebrew in churches. Asked Hindus to convert to other religions.

EVR, for his personal vengeance, used caste and untouchability sentiments to manipulate the minds of Tamils to go against their own religion and belief system. This paved the way for other religions to convert Hindus; they supported them.  He is not a Tamil but manipulated Tamil by using the Dravida myth to be part of them. He never did any social reform, in fact he created more communal mongers against humanity in the name of rationalism and social justice.  

Om Namasivaya.


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation.

12 August 2021






Ramasamy, Sumathy (1997). Passions of the Tongue: Language Devotion in Tamil Nadu 1891-1970. University of California.


6.EVR admitted






12. What exactly happened in Salem 1971 .

13.What Mistake EV Ramasamy did

14. Rajani on Salem 1971 EV Ramasamy issues .

15.Biography of EVR

16.  EV Ramasamy earned by selling God's name. 

Told pagutharivi,  but his followers pray in front his stone…

17. Indhu Mathap Pandikaigal


18.Tamil kathumirandi

19.Periyar Thiagiya Drogiya

20.Veeramani, K. (2005). Collected Works of Periyar E.V.R. Chennai: The Periyar Self-Respect Propaganda Institution. P.503

21.Tamils, Language, Culture as  Barbarian ,

 Raghavan, B. S. (9 October 2000). "Thanthai Periyar". The Hindu Business Line. Archived from the original on 23 November 2001. Retrieved 4 January 2015.

22.Ramaswamy, Cho. "E.V. Ramaswami Naicker and C.N. Annadurai". India Today: 100 people of the millennium. Archived from the original on 24 October 2008. Retrieved 27 October 2008.

"Periyar's Otherside". thanthai Archived from the original on 21 January 2009. Retrieved 21 February 2009.


Communism cannot grow as long as Brahminism exists.

Source: Periyar E. V. Ramasamy. 2011. Periyar Kalanjiyam 9: Jaathi-Theendaamai, Paagam (3). [Periyar Repository 9: Caste-Untouchability Part (3)]. Second Edition. Chennai: Periyar Suyamariyathai Prachaara Niruvanam. 253-256.


Marxist Periyarist Communist Party, V.Anaimuthu, a close associate of EVR


26. Kanda Shasti Apasa Purana