Saturday, 14 March 2020

Zakir Naik and Firdaus Wong Changed and Manipulated Hindu Scriptures.

Zakir Naik and Firdaus Wong Changed
and Manipulated Hindu Scriptures.

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Most of the verses quoted by Zakir and
his students either mistranslated,
misinterpreted,  misquoted, and manipulated
by given part of a verse (not full verse) or
taken out of the context of Nirguna (no image)
and Sarguna (image)  concept verses. 
What if a non-Muslim do the same to their
scriptures? What the authority will do? And
the whole world knew about Salman Rushdie
and the fatwa against him by the Muslim world.

1.Chandogya Upanishad 6.2.1
Actual Mantra
ekam-evadvitiyam brahma
Brahman is one, one only, without a second.

Chandogya Upanishad Chapter #6, Section #2, Verse #1; 
ekam evaditiyam
God is only one without a second.

Firdaus Wong
'Tuhan itu Satu. Tiada dua.' (God is one, don’t have two)
(Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1)

This mantra’s translation can be accepted in a way.
2. Svetasvatara Upanishad 6. 9
Actual Mantra
na tasya kaścit patir asti loke na ceśitā naiva ca tasya liṅgaṃ /                                      sa kāraṇaṃ karaṇādhipādhipo na cāsya kaścij janitā na cādhipaḥ // 6.9 //
He has no master in the world, no ruler, nor is there even
a sign of Him by which He can be inferred. He is the cause, the Lord of the lord of
the organs; and He is without progenitor or controller.

Svetasvatara Upanishad, Chapter #6, Verse #9, 
Na casya kasuj janita na cadhipah, 
of him of Almighty God, there are no parents they
have got no lord. Almighty God has no true father,
he has no true mother, he has no true superior.
Firdaus Wong
'Tuhan itu tiada ibubapa' (God don’t have parents)
(Svetasavtara Upanishad 6:9)
This mantra is clearly manipulated to support their
own agenda. There is no words on parents,father
or mother.

3.Svetasvatara Upanishad 4.19
Actual Mantra
nainam ūrdhvaṃ na tiryañcaṃ na madhye parijagrabhat /     na tasya pratimā asti yasya nāma mahad yaśaḥ” // 4.19 //
No one can catch hold of Him either from above, or across, or in the middle. There is no likeness of Him. His name is Great Glory (Mahad Yasah).
Svetasvatara Upanishad; Chapter #4, Verse #19 
Na Tasya Pratima Asti 
of that God there is no Prathima, there is no likeness,
there is no image, there is no picture, there is no
photograph, there is no sculpture, there is no statue.

Firdaus Wong
'Tuhan itu tiada 'Pratima' (imej, ukiran, berhala,
gambar dan lukisan)'
(Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19)

4.Bhagavad Gita 7.20

Actual Mantra

kāmais tais tair hṛita-jñānāḥ prapadyante ’nya-devatāḥ            taṁ taṁ niyamam āsthāya prakṛityā niyatāḥ svayā

Those whose knowledge has been carried away by material desires surrender to the celestial gods. Following their own nature, they worship the devatās, practising rituals meant to propitiate these celestial \ personalities.


Bhagwat Gita Chapter #7, Verse #20; 

all those whose intelligence has been stolen by material
desires, they worship many Gods

Firdaus Wong 
'Mereka yang intekletual mereka dicuri oleh kemahuan
nafsu material menyembah berhala dan Tuhan palsu'
(Those of their intelectuality  was stolen by material
desire praying idol and False God)
(Baghavad Ghita 7:20)

This mantra has been manipulated by Zakir and further
exaggerated by Firdaus with the term of the idol and false
God is against his own religion.

How if a non-Muslim interpret their scripture in manipulated
way and try to prove that their belief deviates from their book?
Are Muslims will accept that?  What is MUSLIMS’ responsibility?
PS. The red highlighted words were the Zakir and Firdaus's own
interpretations or assumptions without researched properly.

Om Mahakali
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation
14 Mac 2020

1.Svetasvatara Upanishad 4.20

2.Yajurveda 40.9

3.Bhagavad Gita 7.20

4.Firdaus Wong Quotes