Hindus Should Boycott Any Movies Which are
Demeaning Hinduism.
Scene from Kolanji Tamil Movie.
Director of Kolanji is Shaikh Dawood Navin.
Director of Kolanji is Shaikh Dawood Navin.
The movie Kolanji is a subtle method of rejecting
Hinduism. The character by Samutra Kani is
propagating anti Hindu sentiment. Real Hindus
must boycott this type of movies so that the
producers will stop this in the future.
It is clear, Hinduism is demeaned by the nastika
(EV Ramasamy) movement, supported by the
Scene. Samutra Kani speaking to a group of
people (Hindu) in Tamil.
Translated transcript.
SK: You are saying our Gods but it is actually
came from outside. Gods came from north kept
inside village and you are the one kept your
Gods outside the village.
Now northerner’s Shastras accepted as our
shastra and our own people kept outside of
village in the name of unclean (tithu).…
...The person with you cannot enter your house
said by a shastra, can you enter the house of
the person who wrote the shastra? Cannot,
because for him, you are low jati, this also the
Shastra said.
Hello Pandit.
Pandit: Ahhh tell.
SK: Will you let our temple Dharmakarta to enter
the main sanctum (garbhagriha) of the temple?
Pandit: How come Anna (Brother) , Inside
garbhagraha, only brahmins can let in, God tell
SK: Ahh...Listen or not, listen to the God which
tells that you cannot go near them, you kept our
people aside in the name of low jati.
Time has changed, In entire India, only in Tamil Nadu,
people never kept jati in his name because one
person named Periyar born….
SK: Hello Vellapa, your kavi cloth got stained.
One, you wear after wash or remove it.
[SK: You are saying our Gods but it is actually came
from outside. Gods came from north kept inside
village and you are the one kept your Gods
outside the village.]
He is telling Hinduism does not belong to
TN people. The temple of Shiva, Murugan,
Amman and so on are from north. Every
Hindu knew all the Gods are same of the
I wonder if he is addressing the religions
(Abrahamics) came outside of India. Those
are people actually kept their native (Hindu)
Gods outside of the villages and keeping
the foreign God (Abrahamic) inside.
are people actually kept their native (Hindu)
Gods outside of the villages and keeping
the foreign God (Abrahamic) inside.
[Now northerner’s Shastras accepted as our
shastra and our own people kept outside of
village in the name of unclean (tithu).…
...The person with you cannot enter your house
said by a shastra, can you enter the house of
the person who wrote the shastra? Cannot,
because for him, you are low jati (race), this
also the Shastra said.]
also the Shastra said.]
No hindu shastra mentioned about caste
or jati. The shastra mentioned about Varna.
According Hindu Shastra varna is not by
birth, can be changed . A Shudra can
become a Brahmin. A Brahmin can fall
into shudra or anarya if his act not
following the acharya. Majority of authors
of Hindu Scriptures were not from Brahmin
by birth but reached brahmin hood by
intense sadhana. Jati is race by birth.
[Hello Pandit.
Pandit: Ahhh tell.
SK: Will you let our temple Dharmakarta to
enter the main sanctum (garbhagriha) of the
Pandit: How come Anna (Brother) , Inside
garbhagraha, only brahmins can let in, God
tell that.]
No one is allowed to enter Garbhagriha
(the main sanctum) of temple, not even
a brahmin except the pandit who was
designated for. It is in agamic prescriptions.
The pandit in the movie is echoing the
character. Everyone is allowed to enter
Garbhagriha before temple kumbabishekam
[SK: Ahh...Listen or not, listen to the God which
tells that you cannot go near them, you kept our
people aside in the name of low jati.]
No God tells that in Hinduism, it is agamic
rules to be followed. But there are other
religion says that, Samutra Kani can’t enter
their temple of worship unless he become
‘clean’ by becoming them.
[Time has changed, In entire India, only in
Tamil Nadu, people never kept jati in their
name because one person named Periyar born….]
I think Samutra Kani forget that even
EV Ramasamy himself claim he is Naiker.
His jati name.
[SK: Hello Vellapa, your kavi cloth got stained.
One, you wear after wash or remove it.]
Indirectly, he is telling that Hinduism is not
clean and one must change religion.
To the director and producer of the move, if
you are an atheist, it is ok but keep you own
belief and don't interfere in Hinduism.
I would suggest all Hindus should boycott this
type of movies which are demeaning Hinduism.
The anti Hindu groups are targeting Hinduism in
subtle way through movies. It is time to wake up
for Hindus to teach lessons to this type of
producers or directors.
Om Namasivaya.
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation
25 July 2019
Scene link.