Answers for Those Hindus Rejecting the idea of 'Conversion is sin '
When I forwarded the view ‘Conversion is sin ‘ in public, I received negative comments or rejection from Hindus and non Hindus as well. I just ignore non Hindu views because they propagate the same. If Hindus start to propagate the same, they can't convert anymore.
Among Hindus we are divided in three groups. Spiritualist ( anmigavathy), religious ( mathavathy) and small cultus like ritualist ( sirupanmai valipaduvar).Most religious groups supports and so called spiritualist against it without look into current situations. We can forgo the cultus. The group which are against it, I salute them in a way for their stand . They are more into spiritualism as God is beyond religion.
Some of reasons or questions identified;
1. If we agree conversion is sin, then we are putting down other religions outside Shanmatham, and it will against the princeps of sanatan dharma.
2. Telling conversion is sin, is a negative approach which we don't apply in sanatan dharma.
3. They claim there is no Hindu scriptures/shastra mentioned that conversion is sin /wrong.
4. No credible (apta) gurus have mentioned conversion is wrong.
5. Adi Shankara himself had converted Buddhist back in to Hinduism after they lost in debate with him.
6. Siva Purana have mentioned Narada had 'converted' tripurasura episode
So that conversion is not sin,according to them.
7. If Conversion is sin, how about those whom are from other religion at birth now following Hinduism?
Hindus don't agree, let's see the reason 1,
'If we agree conversion is sin, then we are putting down other religions outside Shanmatham, and it against the princep of sanatan dharma. '
I don't see how other religions outside Shanmatham were put down. In fact if we study the main abrahamic religions,they are strongly advocates that conversion is sin, of course in their own belief system. They believe, Who ever go against God is a sinner. Whoever converts out from their religion is considered apostasy ,is sin. If so, if we in Hinduism emulate the same view as they were, this emulation is supporting their dogmatic believe. We come together into a common term with them. Besides, Hinduism advocates all the religions are from the only God.
Hindus don't agree, let's see the reason 2,
‘ It is a negative approach which we don't apply in sanatan dharm.'
Is it really a negative approach? If telling conversion is sin to our vulnerable youngsters is a definite negative approach, than the religion outside of Shanmatham falls into negativity itself, because they strongly advocates that. By thinking this approach is negative than we really put them in the negativity. Isn't it?
Just forget about that, even in our scripture Ramayana have indicated that sometimes a 'negative' approach is needed /used in order to eliminate the 'negativity', it will be in dharmic fold. (mule mulalethan edeke mudiyum). For example, in case of Rama killing Vali. Bali had to be killed without face him directly. Who ever face direct against Vali,will lost their strength ( boon to Vali). So, Rama had to attack hidden.
Hindus don't agree, let's see the reason 3,
‘There is no Hindu scriptures (shastra) mentioned that conversion is sin /wrong’.
There was about 12400 different types of writing once available and what ever scriptures available as at today, there is no where have mentioned that conversion is sin. As far as my knowledge.And at the same time there is nowhere had written that conversion is not sin. Even in such a huge volume of scriptures (ocean / university), Hinduism never have a single book to be accepted as the authority of reference as in abrahamic religion(Bible). We believe Vedas are divine revelations(sruthi) yet Vedas is just as guide to refer, if one never read vedas ,will not be considered sin as in other religions outside Shanmatham claims. Hinduism doesn't rely on any scriptures because there is no single book was dropped from heaven or God's pocket. Swami Vivekananda have mentioned it as dry bones of religion, do not obsessed to the scriptures /books. The truth is in you. The truth can be grasped/tap from the divine source in the form of sruthi (divine revelation).
Hindus don't agree, let's see the reason 1,
'If we agree conversion is sin, then we are putting down other religions outside Shanmatham, and it against the princep of sanatan dharma. '
I don't see how other religions outside Shanmatham were put down. In fact if we study the main abrahamic religions,they are strongly advocates that conversion is sin, of course in their own belief system. They believe, Who ever go against God is a sinner. Whoever converts out from their religion is considered apostasy ,is sin. If so, if we in Hinduism emulate the same view as they were, this emulation is supporting their dogmatic believe. We come together into a common term with them. Besides, Hinduism advocates all the religions are from the only God.
Hindus don't agree, let's see the reason 2,
‘ It is a negative approach which we don't apply in sanatan dharm.'
Is it really a negative approach? If telling conversion is sin to our vulnerable youngsters is a definite negative approach, than the religion outside of Shanmatham falls into negativity itself, because they strongly advocates that. By thinking this approach is negative than we really put them in the negativity. Isn't it?
Just forget about that, even in our scripture Ramayana have indicated that sometimes a 'negative' approach is needed /used in order to eliminate the 'negativity', it will be in dharmic fold. (mule mulalethan edeke mudiyum). For example, in case of Rama killing Vali. Bali had to be killed without face him directly. Who ever face direct against Vali,will lost their strength ( boon to Vali). So, Rama had to attack hidden.
Hindus don't agree, let's see the reason 3,
‘There is no Hindu scriptures (shastra) mentioned that conversion is sin /wrong’.
There was about 12400 different types of writing once available and what ever scriptures available as at today, there is no where have mentioned that conversion is sin. As far as my knowledge.And at the same time there is nowhere had written that conversion is not sin. Even in such a huge volume of scriptures (ocean / university), Hinduism never have a single book to be accepted as the authority of reference as in abrahamic religion(Bible). We believe Vedas are divine revelations(sruthi) yet Vedas is just as guide to refer, if one never read vedas ,will not be considered sin as in other religions outside Shanmatham claims. Hinduism doesn't rely on any scriptures because there is no single book was dropped from heaven or God's pocket. Swami Vivekananda have mentioned it as dry bones of religion, do not obsessed to the scriptures /books. The truth is in you. The truth can be grasped/tap from the divine source in the form of sruthi (divine revelation).
There were mentioned in Shastras.Hindu Shastras have mentioned conversions is sin.
a) Vyasa says in Mahabharata Santi Parva,
'..The rejection of one's own creed, the practice of other people's creed, wrong .’
b) Bhagavad gita there is a verse, which conveys that Devotee should attain salvation in a path which he is born ( as taught by parents) and not change paths. Those who change path will neither be happy nor get salvation. ( Not applicable to your children)
c) Vedas ,it has been told to teach everyone in Arya Dharma/Sanatan Dharma/dharmic law. It is a way of life. Distracting from the way of life will be disobeying .
d) Garuda Purana mentioned it is sin if not followed the religion. It is mentioned in chapter 4.9,if one despise places of pilgrimage, good men, good actions, teachers, shining ones is sin. If we disparages the Puranas,Vedas,Mimamsa,Nyaya,Vedanta also sin. In chapter 4.11, not listen to words of Shastra in sin. In chapter 4.36, if one engages in self indulgence, do not worship Shiva Hari,Surya Ganesh is sin. In chapter 5.7, if we despises Vedas, Shastras can becomes jaundiced in next birth. By converting, one will disobey all of this.
a) Vyasa says in Mahabharata Santi Parva,
'..The rejection of one's own creed, the practice of other people's creed, wrong .’
b) Bhagavad gita there is a verse, which conveys that Devotee should attain salvation in a path which he is born ( as taught by parents) and not change paths. Those who change path will neither be happy nor get salvation. ( Not applicable to your children)
c) Vedas ,it has been told to teach everyone in Arya Dharma/Sanatan Dharma/dharmic law. It is a way of life. Distracting from the way of life will be disobeying .
d) Garuda Purana mentioned it is sin if not followed the religion. It is mentioned in chapter 4.9,if one despise places of pilgrimage, good men, good actions, teachers, shining ones is sin. If we disparages the Puranas,Vedas,Mimamsa,Nyaya,Vedanta also sin. In chapter 4.11, not listen to words of Shastra in sin. In chapter 4.36, if one engages in self indulgence, do not worship Shiva Hari,Surya Ganesh is sin. In chapter 5.7, if we despises Vedas, Shastras can becomes jaundiced in next birth. By converting, one will disobey all of this.
Even today. So in my opinion, why not we reconsider conversion is sin in order to protect our youngsters /Hindus in general from to be converted.
Hindus don't agree, let's see the reason 4,
‘No credible /apta gurus have mentioned it as wrong’.
Apta gurus refer to those who learned Vedas,.gurus, sages .. Acarya sampradaya, whom are considered important references on religion matter. But there is no single acarya sampradaya,Sabha or etc. was given the authorization to represent all. So how to rely on those available. We don't have Adi Shankara, Madhvacharya, Swami Vivekananda etc. to defend Hinduism right now.
For those really not happy with this opinion, I suggest you people go around to the many ashram around you and ask yourself to the gurus available. Most of them not happy with current situation on conversion and says it is sin. But they don't speak in public because one need to explain the reason for the advocacy.
One example of Guru fought the conversion issue is Adi Shankara himself. If he accepts conversion, than why he need to debate and 'convert' the Buddhist back?
Do we realized ,if we never take a firm action, it will lead to our Hindu religion into extinction ? Even Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabu,Tirumular and many other sages have against conversion out.
Hindus don't agree, let's see the reason 4,
‘No credible /apta gurus have mentioned it as wrong’.
Apta gurus refer to those who learned Vedas,.gurus, sages .. Acarya sampradaya, whom are considered important references on religion matter. But there is no single acarya sampradaya,Sabha or etc. was given the authorization to represent all. So how to rely on those available. We don't have Adi Shankara, Madhvacharya, Swami Vivekananda etc. to defend Hinduism right now.
For those really not happy with this opinion, I suggest you people go around to the many ashram around you and ask yourself to the gurus available. Most of them not happy with current situation on conversion and says it is sin. But they don't speak in public because one need to explain the reason for the advocacy.
One example of Guru fought the conversion issue is Adi Shankara himself. If he accepts conversion, than why he need to debate and 'convert' the Buddhist back?
Do we realized ,if we never take a firm action, it will lead to our Hindu religion into extinction ? Even Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabu,Tirumular and many other sages have against conversion out.
Hindus don't agree, let's see reason 5,
'Adi Shankara himself had converted Buddhist back to Hinduism after they lost in debate with him. '
Adi Shankara, is one of the important enlightened soul saved Hinduism from Buddhism ,many of Hindus were converted during the time. In order to save Hinduism , he debated with them, the loser had to follow the winner's teaching orders. I don't see this as conversion , it is a move to revert back to Hinduism. If it was a conversion, then it must be some kind of forced conversion. The question of why Adi Shankara went in to such an approach, The reason is to save Hinduism from extinction. I am sure, Enlighten soul such as Adi Shankara realized that divine love is beyond religion but he stand up to revert back them. At current situation, are we going to let go the conversion without any interference?, Did we realized ,if we never take a firm action, it will lead to our Hindu religion into extinction ? Wake up.
Hindus don't agree, let's see
Reason 6,
‘Siva Purana have mentioned Narada had 'converted' tripurasura episode ‘
As we knew Narada always singing the glory of Narayanan ( Maha Vishnu).
Tripurasuras need to be deceived in order to eliminate them. It is the plan of Vishnu . Lord Shiva only will eliminate asuras if they go into adharmic . So the ‘conversion ‘ is planned (Lila) in the process of elimination of adharma. It won't be able to be counted as conversion.
Reason 6,
‘Siva Purana have mentioned Narada had 'converted' tripurasura episode ‘
As we knew Narada always singing the glory of Narayanan ( Maha Vishnu).
Tripurasuras need to be deceived in order to eliminate them. It is the plan of Vishnu . Lord Shiva only will eliminate asuras if they go into adharmic . So the ‘conversion ‘ is planned (Lila) in the process of elimination of adharma. It won't be able to be counted as conversion.
Hindus don't agree, let's see the reason 7,
If Conversion is sin, how about those whom are from other religion at birth now following Hinduism such in Hare Hare Krishna, Sai Baba,etc., many Europeans, Christians, Chinese etc.? Are they are sinners too?
This is the question, most challenging to answer. Most of our Hindu brothers doubts the notion.But it can be justify.
We must see two things here.The meaning and purpose of conversion and sadhana.Practicing (sadhana) a religion and converting into a religion are two different things.
Hinduism believes all the religions are from the only Brahman. Any of the path is leads to Him alone. So it is not wrong to practice or pray in any marga. Everyone is correct at their atmic level, because atman is Brahman. Every religions are belongs to the only God.
SADHANA is spiritual rituals or practices one applying. Any one from other religions practice Hinduism or any path they like WITHOUT REJECTING other path of reaching God. By not rejecting other path of Brahman, they won't fall in the category of sin.
But CONVERTING, changing from the birth religion into a new religion because of certain benefits and DENYING the earlier religion is wrong. By denying the other path of brahman, you are denying the teaching of sanathana dharma.So that conversion is sin.
Om Namasivaya.
Sri Sivasiddhi
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation