Sunday, 16 October 2016

Kafirism, Infidels and Anarya

Kafirism, Infidels, and Anarya

Labeling people based on their own religious beliefs should be avoided. But some so-called religion labeled people rampantly. Blind bigotry egoistic and ignorant's belief.

Among Abrahamic.
The conception of non Abrahamic by the Abrahamic followers as nonbelievers based on their scriptures and understanding is the most inappropriate thing. Anyway, it is their perceptions.

Kafir (Arabic term) means a person who is denying the existence of God. As in Hinduism, they were called nastika, in Christianity, they were called atheist, and so on. All the religion's fundamental core belief is based on God. Since there is only ONE GOD, non-Muslims are not kafir.  Some fanatic bigots mistranslated their scripture to manipulate their political status-quo by claiming that only if called the God in certain particular name and prayer method is the true God.

Any Muslims can verify from your scripture about the term. It is its own interpretation based to own scripture. It is ok if kept the term within, not say it out. If one labels another based own beliefs, then the others will do the same.
If you address me a kafir, then I will address you as Anarya / Mlecha as mentioned in my scriptures. It is not good for a multiracial society.

God-Centered Belief

All the religions' core belief is God. There is no one prays in the name of Satan.

Hindus say there is God, that is Brahman...
Christians say there is God, that is God...
Muslims say the is NO God, but Allah.
An Atheist says there is NO God...
SO WHO  ARE THE REAL BELIEVER? All are believing something.

Some information about kafir.... extract from Mujahidin Zulkifli
In a typical Islamic country under Islamic administration, the non-Muslims are divided into a few categories:

1) Kafir harbi fi'lan: These are non-Muslims that are physically hostile (waging war) against Islamic countries.

It's a requirement for Muslims to kill them (as announced by Pahang Mufti recently). Killing kafir harbi fi'lan will not result in any punishment for the Muslim killer.

2) Kafir harbi hukman: These are non-Muslims that do not have any privilege of protection in an Islamic country and they are not waging war against an Islamic country.

Killing kafir harbi hukman doesn't bring death punishment to a Muslim but only half of a diyya (compensation to the family). This was backed by a Hadith, where Abu Juhaifa reported: "The Prophet, peace, and blessings be upon him, judged that a believer should not be killed for killing a disbeliever." Sahih Bukhari 6517 in the context of kafir harbi hukman.

3) Kafir muahid and dzimmi: They are non-Muslims who have a protection agreement with an Islamic administration. Muahids are not citizens of the Islamic country but have peace agreements. Dzimmis are citizens and pay jizyahs (a form of tax or protection money).

It is haram to kill these types of non-Muslims. Many Hadiths protecting them. Also backed by Quran 9:29 "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

Among Hindus
The word anarya or mleccha is equivalent to kafir or infidel. We Hindus don't label anyone base on our own beliefs. While parya is a fall out from arya/Hindu

The Real Meaning of Parya * (Modern era)
1. A person who eats beef knowingly,  because eating beef is prohibited and is against the
Hindu tenets.
2. A Hindu converted out from Hinduism because of rejection on Hinduism ( not believing Brahman / God, Hindu scriptures, Rituals, etc.)
3. A person born Hindu but never practiced Hinduism because never believe the Supreme Brahman.
4. Those of descendants of a converted out from Hinduism

Anyone can fall into the category of parya if violated any of the above conditions.

If you are a Hindu, then you cannot be a pariah.  If you're a pariah then you cannot be a Hindu.
The word pariah derived from parya. The word parya is partly synonym to anarya. Anarya means non-Hindu. Arya means Hindu. It doesn't referring the 'parai' drum player community in Tamil Nadu, India. They were Hindus but doing the work of funeral/ cremation

As per Siva Purana, the cow is a divine animal.  Sivaperuman's favorite animal.  His favorite pasu/cow named Susila kept Brindavanam under the care of Govardhan. Thus, eating beef will bring wrath. Fall into category of parya.
Hindus as spiritualists (anmigavathy) no one will accept the term to differentiate the human race. (Vasudewa kurumbakam)
But as a religion perceptor (mathavathy),  this term has its meaning and it will ride away from the other religion's atrocity on Hindus.

We were labeled by non-Hindus as such kaffirs or infidels without understanding the consequences on us.  It is time to teach back.
My thousand apologies if it hurts someone.
If others label us as kafirs or infidels then I feel the term parya will put everyone into a common term. Now, it is time to throwing back the misconception where it belongs. Hindus don't judge people as everyone are the children of Brahman. But, we were forced to come into the common terms of Kafir by Islam and Infidel by Christianity.

Om Namasivaya.

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation  Malaysia
Updated 4 March 2019



Zakir and Terrorism

Zakir and Terrorism

Zakir admits he said 'every muslims should be terrorise the evil doers/anti socials. 

" Every Muslim should become terrorist....  I am for Osama if he terrorizing America the bigger terrorist... "
Some blacksheep of Islam will follow Zakir's word without understand his actual intention. So still Zakir hold the resposibility for his words.
 This is the concrete proof of Zakir as promoter.Why not he say every human should ....? Whom he referring to as evil doers/anti socials? Did Zakir really understand the meaning 'terror'.? Is a policeman is a terrorist ?Terrorism means creating fear by brutality of killing,raping,torturing etc.Cowardly act suicide bomber kills innocents.
What the Isis is doing ?The brutality on non muslims,yazidis etc. Are these people killed by Isis because they are evil doers/anti socials? Worship God in a form of Idol is evil doing/anti social? If so ,Zakir targeting whom to be killed.?
A terrorist last time not a terrorist now,similarly muslim are terrorising now, later will be heroes?
Terrorising the bigger terrorizer?Osama terrorising America.
Many terrorist of non muslims never yell God's name. But these present terrorist YELLING the name of Allah. Why? If the God of these terrorists are praying," ASK THEM TO KILL OTHER HUMAN FOR NOT BELIEVING HIM" If so ,it cannot be God. Only SATAN  will be happy to see human killing each other as in quran (Q.15.39) ,satan had challenged God that he will misled human!.So are the blacksheeps of Islam.
If Zakir realise there is blacksheeps in Islam, than what action did he have taken to eliminate that islamic black sheep as a so called true muslim? Or he is one? 
I personally believe every Muslims hold responsibility on the misconceptions on Quran by the blacksheeps of Islam/terrorist  to take actions on them so they dont further tarnish the image of Islam.The so called true Muslims,what is your action to prevent them/terrorist?

Om Namasivaya. 
Sri  Sivasiddhi

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation  Malaysia