Sunday, 16 October 2016

Zakir and Terrorism

Zakir and Terrorism

Zakir admits he said 'every muslims should be terrorise the evil doers/anti socials. 

" Every Muslim should become terrorist....  I am for Osama if he terrorizing America the bigger terrorist... "
Some blacksheep of Islam will follow Zakir's word without understand his actual intention. So still Zakir hold the resposibility for his words.
 This is the concrete proof of Zakir as promoter.Why not he say every human should ....? Whom he referring to as evil doers/anti socials? Did Zakir really understand the meaning 'terror'.? Is a policeman is a terrorist ?Terrorism means creating fear by brutality of killing,raping,torturing etc.Cowardly act suicide bomber kills innocents.
What the Isis is doing ?The brutality on non muslims,yazidis etc. Are these people killed by Isis because they are evil doers/anti socials? Worship God in a form of Idol is evil doing/anti social? If so ,Zakir targeting whom to be killed.?
A terrorist last time not a terrorist now,similarly muslim are terrorising now, later will be heroes?
Terrorising the bigger terrorizer?Osama terrorising America.
Many terrorist of non muslims never yell God's name. But these present terrorist YELLING the name of Allah. Why? If the God of these terrorists are praying," ASK THEM TO KILL OTHER HUMAN FOR NOT BELIEVING HIM" If so ,it cannot be God. Only SATAN  will be happy to see human killing each other as in quran (Q.15.39) ,satan had challenged God that he will misled human!.So are the blacksheeps of Islam.
If Zakir realise there is blacksheeps in Islam, than what action did he have taken to eliminate that islamic black sheep as a so called true muslim? Or he is one? 
I personally believe every Muslims hold responsibility on the misconceptions on Quran by the blacksheeps of Islam/terrorist  to take actions on them so they dont further tarnish the image of Islam.The so called true Muslims,what is your action to prevent them/terrorist?

Om Namasivaya. 
Sri  Sivasiddhi

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation  Malaysia

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